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Shipley's Autobiography

  • My Birth

    I was born in Pensacola Florida. I was born into a family full of different language backgrounds. Family from Chicago, Deleware, Florida, New York, and Texas.
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    My Life

  • Moving

    This is when we moved to Oregon! I was starting to learn words and speak them. My mom was teaching me the most in her Delaware accent, she says "Arange" instead of Orange, and she says "Y'all" I also spent lots of time with my grandparents who said water differently than we do in Oregon. Same with the word Oregon...
  • Starting School

    I started kindergarten this year! I had my way of saying words and my teacher said HECKKKK no to that, I had to change the way I said orange, Oregon, water, etc. I didn't understand why I had to speak more "Oregonian" but that's just what she wanted
  • Starting Hebrew School

    This was when I started Hebrew school to prep for my Bat Mitzvah, we would sit and work on workbooks for an hour, and then go and do prayers for another hour as a whole group. This was also when I started going to services and hearing these prayers in action
  • Hebrew Tutoring

    When you have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah you go through a tutoring process where you learn alllll the prayers as well as your Torah portion and your Hoftorah portion. This was when I learned how to read Hebrew without vowels and very efficiently. I never knew the translation in my head but I knew what I was supposed to say and when/where to say it
  • Highschool!

    I started highschool! Yay... By this point I forgot all my Hebrew, but got to learn Spanish! I do remember some of my Spanish and what I would say and read and write, but not enough to have a full conversation
  • College!

    I started college at Pacific University and had to take Spanish again, luckily I remembered some from high school so I had a head start but I learned so much more, some of this was retained and could be recited.