Born in Oxford,England
In Oxford,England -
1953 to 1958 attends St. Albans in north London where he develops a passion for mathematics.His father wanted him to study medicine
1959 to 1962 He specialises in physics at University college Oxford. Gradutes with a first class degree in natural sciences
Begins research in cosmology and general relativity at the University of Cambridge
He is diagnosed with an uncuradle disease at the age of 21 whitch is found to be Amyotrophic Lateral Sclorosis that is rare and effects movement and speech
Completes his doctorate and is awarded a fellowship at Gonville and Caius college Cambridge
Joins the department of mathematics and theorotical physics at Cambridge
Appointed professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge
Appointed Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge
Awarded a CBE by the queen
Publishes Black holes and Baby universe
Publishes Stephen Hawkings universe
Releases universe in a Nutshell in the UK