
Shephen Hawking

  • Born in Oxford,England

    In Oxford,England
  • 1953 to 1958 attends St. Albans in north London where he develops a passion for mathematics.His father wanted him to study medicine

  • 1959 to 1962 He specialises in physics at University college Oxford. Gradutes with a first class degree in natural sciences

  • Begins research in cosmology and general relativity at the University of Cambridge

  • He is diagnosed with an uncuradle disease at the age of 21 whitch is found to be Amyotrophic Lateral Sclorosis that is rare and effects movement and speech

  • Completes his doctorate and is awarded a fellowship at Gonville and Caius college Cambridge

  • Joins the department of mathematics and theorotical physics at Cambridge

  • Appointed professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge

  • Appointed Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge

  • Awarded a CBE by the queen

  • Publishes Black holes and Baby universe

  • Publishes Stephen Hawkings universe

  • Releases universe in a Nutshell in the UK