Butler Education Act
Arguably the most significant piece of educational legislation of the 20th Century; very significant for the type of education I experienced.
According to Dent (The Education Act 1944) it arrived at a time of great social reconstruction following the end of WW2.
Main provision secondary school education for all:
- tripartite system of secondary schooling;
- secondary modern, technical or grammar school;
- school records and parental aspirations
- the 11 plus exam; -
GCE O Level
GCE O-level (Ordinary level) -
The Beloe Report
Made recommendations for a new type of exam certificate to complement GCE O Level and serve requirements of less academically able section of school population -
Certificate of Secondary Education
- Beloe Report (1960) – proposed new exam type ie CSE;
- A complementary qualification to GCE;
- Suitable for students of lower academic ability;
- Higher grades equivalent to O Level C grades;
- Secondary Modern school leavers;
- Though many still left without qualification as school leaving age still 15; -
Circular 10/65
965 Circular 10/65: requested LEAs to submit proposals for comprehensivisation. Labour initiative.
Move towards comprehensive & away from Grammar ;
- Comprehensive allowed for social mixing (Chitty social)
- School for all ranges of ability
- Grammar schools now deemed socially divisive; -
Plowden Report Children and their Primary Schools
1967 Plowden Report Children and their Primary Schools:
Shift towards child centred pedagogical approaches
ie child is encouraged to learn through their own exploration of learning materials as opposed to a teacher teaching from front of class;
Importance of child centred learning?
Plowden Report praised use of child centred approaches when it looked into Primary Schools with specific focus upon the transition to secondary; -
Circular 10/70
Conservative government circular withdrawing Labour's circular 10/65. LEAs were no longer compelled to go comprehensive. (Withdrawn later by Circular 4/74) (comprehensives opposed by tories?) -
Abbey Road School
My first school. A Roman Catholic Church school.
Built in 1857, a Catholic elementary school built adjacent to local Catholic Church in Torquay. In 1953, the school stopped teaching children of all ages and became a primary school. Later closed and transferred to Queensway RC Primary. -
School Leaving Age
Leaving age raised to 16;
Significantly affected no of passes at CSE/GCE; -
Babbacombe Primary
School opened in 1868;
Church of England school;
Knocked down and replaced by new babbacombe school 1980
Child centred approach; and tables by rote
11 plus; Free milk (1944 Ed Act, LEA to provide); -
Education Act
1976 Education Act 1976 gave the Secretary of State the power to ask LEAs to plan for non-selective (ie comprehensive) secondary education (repealed by the Conservatives in 1979).
Further dismantling of Grammar schools; -
Taylor Report A New Partnership for Our Schools
1977 Taylor Report A New Partnership for Our Schools: recommended major changes in the management of schools, implemented in the 1980 Education Act.
Attributed a range of powers and responsibilities to governing bodies; Appointing heads; make up of; parent governors; -
Westlands Bilateral
Failed 11 plus;
Sets plus streaming; grammar stream;
grammar schools;
educated for work - exams for success in the workplace; -
Waddell Report School Examinations
1978 Waddell Report School Examinations: recommended a single exam at age 16 to replace the GCE O Level and CSE. (The first GCSE exams were taken in 1988). -
Education Act
1979 Education Act 1979 (pdf 40kb) repealed Labour's 1976 Act - allowed LEAs to retain selective secondary schools. (thatcher) -
1980 White Paper A new training initiative: a programme for action set out the first plans for the Youth Training Scheme (YTS). youth training scheme at the tax office;
Post 16; Chitty - education for the workplace; -
Education Act
1980 Education Act 1980 (pdf 1mb) instituted the assisted places scheme (public money for children to go to private schools), gave parents greater powers on governing bodies and over admissions, and removed LEAs' obligation to provide school milk and meals. -
1982 Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) launched: aimed at 14-18 year olds, administered by MSC.
Conservatives, link between education and work (Chitty) -
Attended sdcat
studied o levels and a levels
Effective communications;
RSA typing;
Conservatives pushing vocational skills/preparing for work -
CSE/O Levels - relative graded relative to other entrants;
GCSE - graded on absolute levels of knowledge/understanding;
More employer friendly - easier to understand; simplified exam system; -
Education Reform Act
Govt dictating content rather than teachers
National Curriculum - 3 core, 7 foundation subjects;
Compulsory National Tests at 7, 11 and 14 (SATs)
Local Management of school budgets (LMS) - Heads budget
Opting Out (Grant Maintained schools) - more control budgets
City Technology Colleges
Ofsted – a new inspection regime for schools; league tables;
Performance can be measured & schools held accountable; -
Open University
studied computing part time while working
studied via internet, tv and cd's - true learning via multimedia
the brainchild of harold wilson?
Open up higher education opportunities;
http://www.theguardian.com/education/2009/jun/24/open-university-mandelson-comment -
Westlands Community
Special measures
category 4 school
taken out of special measures and made category 3
about to become academy trust school.