Camille Stays at a Pyschiatric Hospital
To deal with her addiction to self-harm, Camille getst checked into a mental hospital. Ever since she was a kid, she has dealt with cutting words on her entire body. These issues stemmed from a bad relationship with her mother. -
Anne Nash is Murdered
The young girl that lives in Wind Gap was found murdered in the woods. Her killer has not been discovered. -
Natalie Keene Goes Missing
A second young girl from Wind Gap goes missing. The citizens goes on several search hunts for her. -
Camille gets Assigned to the Case
Camille's boss in Chicago assigns her to return to her home town to report on the murder and missing child case. -
Camille Travels Back Home
She returns to her home town to cover the story of the murders. She goes back to her childhood home and is faced with her distant mother. -
Natalie Keene's Body Found Dead
The second murder in the town occurs when locals find the young girls body jammed between buildings. It is now believed that it is the same suspect who has commited the crime. -
Camille meets Richard Willis
Detective Richard Willis is brought in from Kansas City to investigate the murders. He meets Camille while she is trying to get information from the police. -
Natalie Keene's Funeral
Camille and almost everyone else is town attends the young girls funneral. Camille uses this information for part of her story. -
Camille Interviews the Nash's and Keene's
To get a better understanding of the girls and try to figure out why anyone would hurt them Camille interviews the families. The Nash's are willing to talk to her where the Keene's do not care to disclose any information. -
Amma and Camille Bond
The distant half sisters spend a night bonding and hanging out. Their relationship strengthens. Amma convinces her older sister to drink, attend a party, and take ecstacy. -
Adora treats Camille
After taking drugs with her sister, Camille and Amma have some serious injuries from their wild night. Her mother puts emphasis on letting her heal them. She paining tries to mend the injuries giving the girls medicine that seems to make it worse. -
Camille Concludes that her Mother is the Killer
After she suspects that she was drugged by her mother, she concludes that it was Adora who also killed her younger sister Marian. She investigates that there was no real cause of the mysterious illnesses other than the drugs that her mother gave her. She likes to make others sick so she can help them get better. -
Adora is Arrested
Adora is arrested for killing her daughter Marian and the two young girls recently murdered in Wind Gap. The plyers used to pul the teeth were found, however the teeth were not. -
Camille and Amma go back to Chicago
After their mothers arrest, Camille takes her sister back to her home and takes custody of her. -
Amma is Arrested
After a similar murder to another young girl, this time in Chicago, Camille discovers that her sister is responsible for all of the murders. The teeth that were pulled from the girls' mouths were found to be the white ivory tiles in her doll house.