Sharafi Giver Vocabulary

By Bahaars
  • Recollection

    Definition: A memory; something remembered or recalled
    Sentence: I had a recollection of memories once I had looked through my old pictures when I was younger.
    Synonym: memory, recall, remembrance
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge Synonyms: Wise, learned, clever Sentence: Even though my dad had been through a lot of sadness and war, he is still very profound.
  • Prestige

    Definition: Status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Sentence: The queen of england is important because of her prestige.
    Synonyms: status, reputation, fame
  • Serenly

    Definition: Peacefully and calmly
    Sentence: I lay on my bed, serenely reading my book.
    Synonym: Peaceful, calm
  • Avert

    Definition: turn away
    Sentence: I averted my eyes away from the hurricane.
    Synonym: Look away
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy; bashful
    Sentence: I was very sheepish when it came to meeting to new people
    Synonyms: Shy, bashful, uncomfortable
  • Hasty

    Definition: Hurreid and rushed
    Sentence: I hastily tried to get to class.
    Synonym: Quickly, rushed, hurried.
  • Indolence

    Definition: Laziness
    Sentence: My sister laid on the couch, watching TV, filled with laziness.
    Synonym: Laziness, sluggish
  • Unnerving

    Definition: Unsettling and upsetting
    Sentence: It was very unnerving when I had went to my aunt's house with the rest of the family when my grandmother had died.
    Synonyms: Discomfort, unsettling.
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: To demand or take.
    Sentence: My sister requisitioned at my mom because she really wanted to go ice skating.
    Synonyms: Demand, take.
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: Noticeable; easy to see
    Sentence: When my sister tried to hide my pencil, it was easily conspicuous because it was sticking out.
    Synonym: Visible, clear, noticable
  • Self-conscious

    Definition: Uncomfortable; showing your embarrassed
    Sentence: When my friends' cousin came over, she felt self-conscious not knowing the rest of us and not knowing what to do.
    Synonym: Embarrassed, uncomfortable, nervous
  • Tentatively

    Definition: Uncertainly and hesitantly
    Sentence: I tentatively joined the volleyball group during leisure.
    Synonym: Uncertainly, hesitant, not sure of
  • Torrent

    Definition: Swift-flowing stream of something.
    Sentence: The torrent stream that ran by my house was filled with amazing creatures.
    Synonym: Stream, flow, current.
  • Obsolete

    Definition: No longer useful
    Sentence: The book was obsolete because it fell apart.
    Synonym: not useful, useless, outdated
  • Unwieldy

    Definition: Difficult to carry or handle.
    Sentence: The bag was unwieldy because it was filled with lots of heavy things.
    Synonym: Difficult, can't handle, unmanageable
  • Wincing

    Definition: Shrinking back involuntarily.
    Sentence: I winced when my sister jumped at me.
    Synonym: Back off, cringe, flinch
  • Fretful

    Definition: Uneasy or distressed.
    Sentence: I was fretful when I saw a wolf passby.
    Synonym: Distress, uneasy, unsettling.
  • Admonition

    Definition: Warning.
    Sentence: There was an admonition sign on the road saying that there was a railroad crossing coming up.
    Synonym: Warning, forewarning, advice.
  • Relinquished

    Definition: Gave up or let go.
    Sentence: When I was trying the obstacle course, I relinquished once I saw how breezy it was for my cousin.
    Synonym: Give up, let go, give away.