Shaping of the U.S 1st Amendment

  • Birth of a Nation

    Birth of a Nation
    The U.S. officially adopts the final draft of the Declaration of Independence
  • Period: to

    Introducing, "The Bill of Rights"

    Congress is met with a list of laws formulated by the people, otherwise known as, "The Bill of Rights" which is eventually fixed and set as the concrete laws
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Brown as it was found unconstitutional to racially segregate students in school
  • Engel vs. Vitale

    Engel vs. Vitale
    The Board of Regents called for a prayer that took place at the school, every morning. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the idea that the prayers were unconstitutional and that it could not be forced upon people
  • Edwards vs. South Carolina

    Edwards vs. South Carolina
    An organized march towards the State House ground was set in place to protest against the segregation of black and white. These protestors were arrested for "causing a disturbance" by 3 police officers.
  • U.S vs. O'Brien

    U.S vs. O'Brien
    While opposing the war, David O'Brien burned his Draft Card at a Boston Courthouse. The burning of the Draft Card was considered a crime by Federal Law. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of O'Brien
  • Tinker vs. Des Moines

    Tinker vs. Des Moines
    During the Vietnam War, students at a public school protested the fighting by wearing black armbands. The students were threatened with suspension, which was then enacted on following a second appearance of the armbands. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students, stating that they deserved free rights in regards to their voices.
  • Pico vs. Board of Education

    Pico vs. Board of Education
    The Island Trees Union Free School District Board of Education stated that certain books possessed content that could be deemed "Anti-semitic," "Anti-American", and "Anti-Christian." Steven Pico brought this to court, although, the Board won the case.
  • Bethel School District vs. Fraser

    Bethel School District vs. Fraser
    Matthew Fraser, a high school student gave a speech at his school that was deemed "indecent." Fraser was banned from speaking at his high school graduation, and eventually sued the school for allegedly restricting his freedom of speech. The court ruled in favor of the high school, as it was possible to discipline the student for stating indecent content on school grounds
  • Hazelwood School District vs Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood School District vs Kuhlmeier
    The school newspaper "The Spectrum" wrote two articles that were reviewed by the schools principal and deemed "inappropriate." The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the school and stated that the high school hold their articles to high standard and be more appropriate for the students
  • Texas vs. Johnson

    Texas vs. Johnson
    While protesting against Reagan admin policies, Gregory Lee Johnson burned a flag in front of Dallas City Hall. Johnson was tried and sentenced to one year in jail for desecration of the Texas flag. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Johnson, as it was protected expression.
  • Morse vs. Frederick

    Morse vs. Frederick
    Joseph Frederick held a "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" and was suspended for 10 days following the incident. The principal stated that it was not the image that the school wanted to portray and that it glorified drug use. The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that the school had the right to prohibit what was said or done by the students, so long as it was against school code and condoned bad behavior