
Shaping Middle Eastern History - the 20th Century

  • The Discovery of Oil in the Middle East

    The Discovery of Oil in the Middle East
    When a British company found oil in Persia (now Iran) a huge wave of exploitation and exploration was set off. Oil became an essential commodity, it was used for electric-power plantations, one could run factory machinery on oil and the world's powerful navies were converting their ships from coal to oil. Anything that used to run on coal could now run on oil which was more efficient. European countries like Britain and France were taking advatage of this opportunity.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World war one, one of the most brutal and terrorizing events of the 20th century also caued WWII. It was thought global wars ended after WWI but the interwar period (cold war) triggered WWII. WWI began and then so did social and economic disturptions. Millions of poeple had to recover from the loss of millions of lives. The league of Nations was formed after the WW in order to solve disagreements between nations peacefully.
  • The Sykes-Picot Agreement

    The Sykes-Picot Agreement
    The Sykes-Picot agreement divides the Ottoman Empire in to zones that were powered by either the French or british and they influenced quite heavily. After Europeans gained some type of power in th Middle east, they were able to take Palestine into British influence. This provoked the Arab-Israeli conflict which goes on up unitl today as a result of the British deciding to allow Isrealis a home in Palestine without the consent of the people. Tension between Israelis and Palastanians persists.
  • The Collapse of the Ottoman Empire

    The Collapse of the Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire faced a series of problems that caused its fall, but the main and most signifcant reason was Nationalism. Nationalism was a driving force thoughout the Middle East and Nations were escaping the empire one by one in order to become indpeendent. This makes for the shaping of the Middle Eatern Countires nowadays. The MIddle East wouldn't consist of different Arab countries of the Ottoman Empire did not collapse.
  • The Great Despression

    The Great Despression
    Homelessnes, starvation, illness, and unemployment were all a result of the Great Depression which orginiated in the U.S, affecting people culturally, socially, and economically. The great depression was largely the reuslt of a failing stock market that was expected to keep rising. Excessive and irresponsible investment pushed this further.
  • Egyptian Nationalism

    Egyptian Nationalism
    After Napolean's expdition of Egypt, Egyptian leaders sought to modernize their naiton, however they were faced financial difficulties throughout. The leaders increased the influence of nationalism on their naiton and sought to free themselves from British Control in order to prove themselves indpendent. Jamal AbdulNasser was one of the most lvoed and influential leaders of the 20th Century, he managed to free his country from foregin control, he proved arabs are able to be free.
  • The Six Day war

    The Six Day war
    The six day war was a result of what Israel saw as an attack by the Arab Nations. so they key was a counter attack to them by colonizing; thet Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Israel fought against Egypt, Syria and Jordan and they lost miserably against only one nation as a cause of unsucessful planning. Egypt was completely destrpyed and this intensified the tensions between Arab nations.
  • The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Racism is one aspect of all human beings that caused us to suffer thorughout history, However, exceptional people and leaders came about to make us aware of equality and social justice, and that was exactly what Martin Luther did. "He was successful in creating consciousness to society about equality and justice." America is thankful for such a successful man.
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    The economic consquences of the wasrbetween Iraq and Iran were majorily focused on the risk of losing one of the most significant energy supplies; oil. Attention was focused on OPEC countries and they much influenced the Gulf states with their ability to control the oil market which was under risk because Iraqi forces attacked Khorramshar in 1980, the largest oil port of Iran. Oil was keeping the economy alive then, and this was a historicalrisk.
  • The Disintegration of the Soviet Union

    The Disintegration of the Soviet Union
    The soviet Union Split into fifteen separate countires after the West successful gained freedom. At it's time, the Soveit was a world power and it's disolution was a signifcant phenonemnon. The West were looking for freedom from capitalism and socialism and so they treid to gain that, hence the Soviets were trying to turn the globe capitalist and it was a relief for the majority when it collapsed and nations had their freedom of political and social choice.