Shania Pulgarin 7th hour US1

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Set out to create a government based on the will of people
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    Washington Presidency

    Being a hero of the Revolutionary war and head of the Constitutional convection
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    Judiciary act of 1789

    Supreme court with a chief justice and five associate justices 3 federal courts
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    District of Columbia completed

    Moved From New York City to District of Colombia
  • Bank of the U.S

    Funded by the federal government and wealthy private investors help get U.S out of debt
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    XYZ Affair

    3 lower level official called X,Y,Z in his report of congress
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    Presidency of John Adams

    When John Adams was elected
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Believed that there were French agents everywhere in America and were plotting to over throw the government
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    Presidency of Thomas Jefferson

    when he was president
  • Lousiana Puchase

    revive the french empire in America
  • Marbury V. Madison

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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    initially designed as a military mission became one of the largest Scientific Expeditions in human history
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    Presidency of James Madison

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    War of 1812

    War with Canada
  • Burning of York

    Burned down York (Toronto)
  • burning of the white house

    the white house burning