Shane's Life

  • I was born

    I was born February 10th 2004. It was on a wednesday and it was also raining.
  • Period: to

    Started preschool

    I started preschool and I learned social skills and how to read and write
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    Going to School In Queens

    I went to Ideal Montessori school. the teachers were strict, but they did teach a lot.
  • Going To Smithtown Christian School

    I went to Smithtown Christian School since 2012. I met a lot of new friends and new teachers
  • Starting Jiu Jitsu

    When I first started Jiu Jitsu, I didn't know what I was doing. I was too nervous to talk to anybody. Later on I started to talk to people more and more
  • Starting Middle School

    Middle School is harder but, there are many new possibilities. You can also meet many new teachers and new friends
  • Getting into fortnite

    I have been playing fortnite recently and I have been playing non stop. Video games have been become a habit.
  • Me in tech class.

    At this current moment I am in tech class. My teacher is Mr. Winant. He is one of my favorite teachers. MAny of my friends are here too.