
By ldemers
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    Red Carpet, Once White

    Red Carpet, Once White
    Shallan is the youngest child of Lin & Brightness Davar. She is quiet and timid, and lives a sheltered life throughout most of her childhood. When she displays Surgebinding abilities as a child, her mother (a Skybreaker) attempts to kill her. Shallan almost subconsciously summons her shardblade in self-defense and ultimately kills her mother. Lin Davar allows rumors to spread that he was the murderer --a secret that destroys him and his family. Shallan represses her memory of this event.
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    After her mother's death, Shallan does not speak for five months. Helaran buys her some paper and charcoal, and she begins to find comfort in her drawing again. Her father, however, continues to fall apart as he faces the political and financial pressures of being seen as a murderer. He has angry outbursts and beats servants when his children fail to "obey." Shallan seeks to encourageme each of her brothers by telling jokes and helping them find positive things that each of them enjoy.
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    Shallan's brother Balat seeks to run away with his girlfriend Eylita to find refuge from their father's brutality. But Lin finds out, kills Shallan's stepmother, and begins to fight and beat Balat. Shallan gives her father poisoned wine, but the poison is not strong enough so she strangles him with the necklace he gave her years ago. The Davar children find a damaged soulcaster in Lin's coat (broken in the sword fight), and realize that this is key to keeping their family's finances alive.
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    Jasnah's Ward

    Jasnah's Ward
    In order to replace the broken soulcaster and appease the important men demanding it's return (Ghostbloods), Shallan and her brothers form a plan for her to swap the soulcaster with a working one. She seeks out Jasnah Kholin and petitions her to become her ward. Jasnah turns her away several times, but Shallan does not to give up until Jasnah finally accepts her after seeing Shallan's sketchbook. Shallan ends up loving the life of a scholar and regrets that she must steal from Jasnah.
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    While studying under Jasnah, Shallan meets an ardent, Kabsal. She enjoys joking and flirting with him, eating his bread and jam. Shallan cuts off the realationship after stealing Jasnah's soulcaster, planning to depart for Jah Keved the next day. At his request, Shallan draws a portrait for Kabsal as a goodbye gift...When she lands in the hospital, Kabsal and Jasnah visit, and Kabsal attempts to assassinate Jasnah but accidentally poisons Shallan and himself when Jasnah soulcasts the antidote.
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    In Karbranth, Shallan draws strange creatures in her pictures. She hears a voice one day saying "What are you?"//She later sees bodies with a pattern-like heads, one reaching out to touch her, and she falls into shadesmar//When Shallan agains tries to win over Jasnah by telling her that she knows her secret, Shallan reaches out to the creature and speaks "a truth" about murdering her father//On the Wind's pleasure, Shallan finally sees the spren in the physical realm and names him Pattern.
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    Journey to the Shattered Plains

    Journey to the Shattered Plains
    Jasnah shares more of her notes with Shallan. Shallan decides that this research is so important, that she will continue with Jasnah, study soulcasting with her, and look into the theories about the Voidbringers and Urithiru. They travel by boat towards the Shattered Plains, but Jasnah is attacked and Shallan sinks the ship through soulcasting.