Mar 15, 1066
Middle English Was Used From 1066-1204
Mar 15, 1100
Old English
Sep 7, 1533
Queen Elizabeth is Born
Mar 10, 1540
the surrender of Waltham Abbey
Jan 15, 1559
Queen Elizabeth is Crowned
Apr 23, 1564
Shakespeare was born
not the exact day -
Jun 4, 1582
Shakespeare got Married
Shakepeare Wrote Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare wrote it between 1590 and 1596 (no ones really sure) -
London Theatres close due to the Bubonic Plague (The Black Death)
The Globe Theatre is built on Bankside
The voyage to Virginia of Sir William Somers was blown off course and shipwrecked in Bermuda. William Strachey, secretary of the colony at Jamestown, Virginia, later sent a letter to England that described the event. The letter is thought by many to have
Retirement of Shakespeare
The second Globe Theatre was built
Shakespeare signed his dictated will.
William Shakespeare Died
Globe Theatre Demolished
Puritans demolished it.