Shakespeare Timeline

  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare is Born

    Shakespeare is Born
    Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a market town, to parents Mary and John Shakespeare. In this small town, the Shakespeare family prospered.
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare is Baptized

    Shakespeare is Baptized
    Shakespeare was baptized at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • 1569

    Shakespeare Goes to School

    Shakespeare Goes to School
    Shakespeare went to school until the age of fifteen. He learned to read, write, and translate Latin.
  • Shakespeare gets Married

    Shakespeare gets Married
    Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • Shakespeare's First Child is Born

    Shakespeare's First Child is Born
    Susanna was Shakespeare's first child. She was born six months after her parent's wedding.
  • Shakespeare has Twins

    Shakespeare has Twins
    Hamnet and Judith were Shakespeare’s twin son and daughter.
  • Shakespeare Writes His First Play

    Shakespeare Writes His First Play
    Shakespeare’s first play was entitled Henry VI.
  • Shakespeare Moves to London

    Shakespeare Moves to London
    We do not know the exact date of Shakespeare’s move, but Shakespeare was first mentioned in an London article in 1592.
  • All Theaters are Closed

    All Theaters are Closed
    In 1593, all theaters including the Theater were closed due to an outbreak of bubonic plague.
  • Shakespeare Preforms for Queen Elizabeth I

    Shakespeare Preforms for Queen Elizabeth I
    Shakespeare and his acting company the Lord Chamberlain’s Men preformed for Queen Elizabeth I at her court until her death in 1601.
  • The Theater is Moved to Southwark

    The Theater is Moved to Southwark
    Shakespeare's first Theater was called the Theater. It was moved from its original location to south of the Thames River.
  • Shakespeare Writes Romeo and Juliet

    Shakespeare Writes Romeo and Juliet
  • The Globe Opens

    The Globe Opens
    Shakespeare's theater, the Globe opened. It was a huge success.
  • Shakespeare Writes Julius Caesar

    Shakespeare Writes Julius Caesar
  • Shakespeare Writes Hamlet

    Shakespeare Writes Hamlet
  • Shakespeare Preforms at Blackfriars

    Shakespeare Preforms at Blackfriars
    Blackfriars was an indoor theater Shakespeare’s troupe preformed at.
  • Shakespeare's Sonnets are Published

    Shakespeare's Sonnets are Published
    In 1609, Thomas Thorpe published a compilation of 154 sonnets Shakespeare had written between 1592 and 1598.
  • Shakespeare Writes his Last Play

    Shakespeare Writes his Last Play
    Shakespeare's last play was probably Two Noble Kinsmen which he co-wrote with John Fletcher.
  • Shakespeare Returns to Stratford-upon-Avon

    Shakespeare Returns to Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Shakespeare Dies

    Shakespeare Dies
    Shakespeare died on his birthday. He is buried at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.