Shakespeare's Life

By s911837
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William's Shakespeare's Birth

    William's Shakespeare's Birth
    Shakespeare's exact date of birth is unknown, but he was believed to be born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.
  • Period: Apr 23, 1564 to

    Reign of Queen Elizabeth I (during Shakespeare's Lifetime)

  • Apr 26, 1564

    Baptism of Shakespeare

    Baptism of Shakespeare
    He was baptized at the Holy Trinity Church.
  • 1571

    Start of Education

    Start of Education
    Shakespeare started his education at the King Edward IV School in Stratford.
  • 1579

    Leaving School

    Leaving School
    Shakespeare left school at the age of 15 because of his father's financial problems.
  • 1582


    18 year-old William Shakespeare married 26 year-old Anne Hathaway, who was also pregnant with their first baby.
  • Birth of First Child

    Birth of First Child
    Susanna Shakespeare was born in 1583.
  • Birth of Twins

    Birth of Twins
    Twins, Judith and Hamnet Shakespeare, were born in 1585.
  • His First Play

    His First Play
    Shakespeare started writing his first play, Henry VI Part 1, at around this time.
  • Moving to London

    Moving to London
    Shakespeare left Stratford to London to become a playwright at around 1590.
  • First Performed Play

    First Performed Play
    Shakespeare's first performed play was Henry VII Part 2.
  • His First Published Poem

    His First Published Poem
    His first published poem was "Venus and Adonis" in 1593.
  • Theaters Closing

    Theaters Closing
    Theaters closed due to the bubonic plague that killed millions across Europe.
  • Lord Chamberlain's Men

    Lord Chamberlain's Men
    Shakespeare's acting company, Lord Chamberlain's Men, was formed in 1594. They often acted in front of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Death of Hamnet

    Death of Hamnet
    Hamnet, Shakespeare's only son, died on August 11, 1596 due to unknown causes.
  • The Globe

    The Globe
    The Lord Chamberlain's Men built the first Globe in 1599. Many of Shakespeare's plays were first performed here.
  • Hamlet

    Shakespeare's father died in 1601, and this event motivated Shakespeare to write Hamlet, one of the greatest plays ever to be written.
  • King's Men

    King's Men
    Queen Elizabeth I died on March 24, 1603, and James I became King of England. The Lord Chamberlain's Men became the King's men and frequently performed in front of King James I
  • Period: to

    Reign of King James I (during Shakespeare's Lifetime)

  • Returning to Stratford

    Returning to Stratford
    William Shakespeare returned to his wife and his married daughters in Stratford at about 1611.
  • His Last Will

    His Last Will
    The will of Shakespeare included odd contents, such as leaving his "second-best bed" to his wife and ten euros to the poor.
  • His Death

    His Death
    Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 due to a serious illness. He was buried 2 days later.