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Shakespeare's Life

By s906817
  • Period: 1558 to

    Reign of Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I had a big impact on theater in England, including making her own company.
  • 1564

    Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    His birthday is observed as April 23, 1564(Saint George's Day), but the exact date of Shakespeare's birth is unknown, but it is most likely in April soon before his baptism.
  • Apr 26, 1564


    It was very common for English babies, such as Shakespeare, to be baptized soon after birth.
  • 1569

    Shakespeare Goes to School

    Shakespeare Goes to School
    Shakespeare enters King's New School, an excellent grammar school in Stratford attended by the sons of civil servants like his father. Boys typically enter the school around the age of five, but since no official records survive its impossible to know exactly when Shakespeare starts his education.
  • Marriage to Anne Hathaway

    Marriage to Anne Hathaway
    Shakespeare Married Anne Hathaway at the age of 18.
  • Susanna Was Born

    Susanna Was Born
    Sixth months after the wedding, Anne gave birth to their first daughter, Susanna. She was baptized on 26 May 1583.
  • Birth of Twins

    Birth of Twins
    Judith and Hamnet were born almost two years after Susanna. They were baptized 2 February 1585. Hamnet died at the age of 11.
  • Period: to

    Shakespeare's "Lost Years"

    After the birth of the twins, Shakespeare has no records until he appears in the London theater in 1592.
  • Shakespeare's Plays Enter the London Theater Scene

    Shakespeare's Plays Enter the London Theater Scene
    He may have been writing plays prior to this, but the first recorded play of his own showed in 1592.
  • Greene Attacks Shakespeare

    Greene Attacks Shakespeare
    Playwright Robert Greene pens a scathing critique of Shakespeare, calling him an "upstart crow" who doesn't belong with Greene's university-educated dramatist crowd.
  • The Theater Is Closed Because of the Plague

    The Theater Is Closed Because of the Plague
    The theaters close due to the bubonic plague, that eventually kills five percent of the residents. Shakespeare uses this as inspiration for poetry. They will reopen the spring of 1594.
  • Shakespeare publishes "Venus and Adonis"

    Shakespeare publishes "Venus and Adonis"
    Shakespeare publishes his first work of long poetry, called "Venus and Adonis."
  • Shakespeare's Plays Performed Only by Lord Chamberlain's Men

    Shakespeare's Plays Performed Only by Lord Chamberlain's Men
    Lord Chamberlain's Men was a company owned by a group of players, including Shakespeare. This company soon became the most popular in England.
  • The Purchase of the New Place

    The Purchase of the New Place
    Shakespeare was a wealthy man, and in 1597, he bought the second largest house in Stratford, called the New Place.
  • The Globe Was Built

    The Globe Was Built
    Shakespeare, and a partnership of members of Lord Chamberlain's Men, built their own theater south of the River Thames callled the Globe.
  • Hamlet

    Shakespeare's father dies, and over the next few years, he writes plays in a dark brooding tone, known as tragedy.
  • Period: to

    Rule of King Jame I in England

    As soon as Elizabeth I dies, King James takes the throne in England.
  • Purchase of Blackfriars Indoor Theater

    Purchase of Blackfriars Indoor Theater
    Shakespeare and the rest of the partnership that owns the Globe, bought the Blackfriars Indoor Theater.
  • Retires Back to Stratford

    Retires Back to Stratford
    At around the age of 49, Shakespeare retires from London back to his hometown of Stratford.
  • Final Plays

    Final Plays
    Shakespeare composes his final plays, Henry VIII, Two Noble Kinsmen , and the now-lost Cardenio, in collaboration with John Fletcher, the new playwright for the King's Men. The Globe catches fire during a performance of Henry VIII and burns to the ground.
  • Shakespeare's Last Will

    Shakespeare's Last Will
    Shakespeare calls his lawyer to revise his will, making some changes that include leaving his "second-best bed" to his wife, Anne, and £10 to the poor.
  • Death Day

    Death Day
    Shakespeare died at the age of 52.
  • Shakespeare Is Buried

    Shakespeare Is Buried
    Shakespeare is buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford, the same church where he was baptized. His marker orders a curse on anyone who disturbs his grave.