Shakespeare's Life

By s933091
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Queen Elizabeth's reign

  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare is born

    William Shakespeare is born
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare is baptized

    Shakespeare is baptized
    Shakespeare was baptized in Holy Trinity Church
  • Shakespeare marries

    Shakespeare marries
    William Shakespeare marries at the age of 18 to Ann Hatwey.
  • Shakespeare's first child Susanna is born.

    Shakespeare's first child Susanna is born.
  • Ann Hatwey gives birth to twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith.

    Ann Hatwey gives birth to twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith.
  • William Shakespeare's first play Henry VI Part II

    William Shakespeare's first play Henry VI Part II
  • The theater closes due to an outbreak of the bubonic plague

    The theater closes due to an outbreak of the bubonic plague
  • The theater reopens after the bubonic plague outbreak

    The theater reopens after the bubonic plague outbreak
  • The death of William Shakespeare's only son.

    The death of William Shakespeare's only son.
    Hamnet William's only son dies at the age of 11 years old of unknown causes.
  • Shakespeare buys New Place

    Shakespeare buys New Place
    Thanks to his theater workers and shrewd investment, Shakespeare is able to buy New Place which is the second largest house in Stratford.
  • Shakespeare becomes known

    Shakespeare becomes known
    Francis Meres gives a great report on William Shakespeare's work and makes Shakespeare a well known writer.
  • Period: to

    King James I

  • Sonnet is published

    Sonnet is published
  • William Shakespeare returns to Statford

    William Shakespeare returns to Statford
  • Shakespeare composes his final plays

    Shakespeare composes his final plays
  • Shakespeare revises his will

    Shakespeare revises his will
  • William Shakespeare dies

    William Shakespeare dies
  • William Shakespeare gets buried in Holy Trinity Church

    William Shakespeare gets buried in Holy Trinity Church
    Holy Trinity Church was the same place he was baptized
  • Shakespeare's first Folio is published

    Shakespeare's first Folio is published