Shakespeare's Life

By s6493
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare is born

    William Shakespeare is born
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare is baptized

    Shakespeare is baptized
  • 1579

    William Shakespeare leaves grammar school

    William Shakespeare leaves grammar school
  • 1582

    Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway

    Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway
  • His first child, Susana, is born

    His first child, Susana, is born
  • Shakespeare goes to London

    Shakespeare goes to London
  • The twins are born

    The twins are born
  • Shakespeare writes his own play, Henry VI Part One

    Shakespeare writes his own play, Henry VI Part One
  • The plague causes the theaters in London to close

    The plague causes the theaters in London to close
  • The theaters are open again

    The theaters are open again
  • His first printed play, Titus Andronicus

    His first printed play, Titus Andronicus
  • Shakespeare's acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men is formed

    Shakespeare's acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men is formed
  • Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway's son Hamnet dies at age 11

    Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway's son Hamnet dies at age 11
  • He purchases New Place in Stratford

    He purchases New Place in Stratford
  • The Globe Theater is built

    The Globe Theater is built
  • Shakespeare writes Julius Caesar

    Shakespeare writes Julius Caesar
  • Shakespeare writes one of his most famous plays, Hamlet

    Shakespeare writes one of his most famous plays, Hamlet
  • When Queen Elizabeth dies, James I rules and changes Shakespeare's acting company from The Lord Chamberlain's Men to the King's Men

    When Queen Elizabeth dies, James I rules and changes Shakespeare's acting company from The Lord Chamberlain's Men to the King's Men
  • He returns to Startford

    He returns to Startford
  • Shakespeare's death

    Shakespeare's death