Shakespeare's Life

  • Period: Nov 17, 1558 to

    Queen Elizabeth I Takes The Throne.

  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare was born

    Shakespeare was born
    He was born in Stafford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
  • 1569

    Shakespeare goes to school.

    Shakespeare goes to school.
    He goes to King's New School.
  • 1579

    Shakespeare Graduates School.

    Shakespeare Graduates School.
    Shakespeare graduates at 15.
  • He gets married at 18.

    He gets married at 18.
    He marries Anne Hathaway and gets his marriage license.
  • His First Child is Born

    His First Child is Born
    His first child Susan is born
  • He has his first play.

    He has his first play.
    He wrote Henry VI, Part One.
  • Robert Greene attacks Shakespeare.

    Robert Greene attacks Shakespeare.
    Robert Greene calls Shakespeare an "Upstart Crow"
  • A Plague Closes the Theatre.

    A Plague Closes the Theatre.
    Bubonic play kills 5% of the city residents.
  • "Venus and Adonis"

    "Venus and Adonis"
    Shakespeare publishes "Venus and Adonis" as one of his longest plays
  • The Theater Reopens

    The Theater Reopens
    The London theater reopens
  • "The Rape of Lucrece"

    "The Rape of Lucrece"
    Shakespeare publishes "The Rape of Lucrece"
  • Death of Hamnet

    Death of Hamnet
    Shakespeare's only son Hamnet dies
  • Shakespeare Gets Noticed

    Shakespeare Gets Noticed
    Francis Meres publishes a good review for Shakespeare.
  • The Globe Theater was Built

    The Globe Theater was Built
    This is where many of Shakespeare's plays were performed.
  • Hamlet was Made

    Hamlet was Made
    After his father's death he wrote Hamlet
  • Queen Elizabeth I Dies

    Queen Elizabeth I Dies
    As Queen Elizabeth Dies, King James I gets crowned
  • Period: to

    James I is Ruler

  • Shakespeare returns to Stratford

    Shakespeare returns to Stratford
    Shakespeare leaves London and moves back to Stratford where his family lives
  • Shakespeare's Death

    Shakespeare's Death
    He died Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.