

By s7110
  • 1564

    Shakespeare was born

    Shakespeare was born
    William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He was the third child, but he became the only living child after the plague killed his siblings.
  • Apr 26, 1564


    William Shakespeare was baptized in Holy Trinity Church.
  • 1571


    Shakespeare went to school at the age of seven just like other boys. He attended grammar school until he was 15 years old.
  • 1582


    Shakespeare (18 years old) married Anne Hathaway (26 years old) and had their first child Suzanna 6 months later.
  • Twins Born

    Twins Born
    William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had twins named Hamnet and Judith.
  • Start of Shakespeare's Career

    Start of Shakespeare's Career
    Shakespeare leaves his home in Stratford-Upon-Avon, and he starts his writing career in London. He writes Henry VI.
  • Death of Robert Greene

    Death of Robert Greene
    Robert Greene dies in 1592. In Groats-Worth of Wit, Greene attacks Shakespeare by calling him an "upstart crow", and it is known as the first allusion to Shakespeare as a playwright.
  • Outbreak of Bubonic Plague

    Outbreak of Bubonic Plague
    London theatres are closed down because of the bubonic plague (The Black Death). During the outbreak, Shakespeare's first long published poem, "Venus and Adonis" was published by Richard Field.
  • London Theatres Open Again

    London Theatres Open Again
    London theatres reopen to the public. Shakespeare's first company, the Chamberlain's Men, is formed. They would often get invitations to perform in the royal court of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Hamnet Dies

    Hamnet Dies
    Shakespeare's only son, Hamnet, dies at the age of 11 by an unknown cause.
  • New Place

    New Place
    Shakespeare buys New Place, which was the second largest house in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
  • The Globe Theatre

    The Globe Theatre
    The Chamberlain's Men help to fund the Globe Theatre. It is built on Bankside.
  • Death of John Shakespeare

    Death of John Shakespeare
    HIs father, John Shakespeare, dies, and it is told that his father's death motivated him to write the Hamlet.
  • End of Elizabeth I Reign

    End of Elizabeth I Reign
    Elizabeth I became Queen of England and Ireland on November 17, 1558. Her reign ended on March 24, 1603, when she died. King James becomes the King. Shakespeare's company changes its name to the King's Men.
  • "As You Like It"

    "As You Like It"
    The first recorded performance of "As You Like It" was performed by the King's Men at the Wilton House in Wiltshire. They performed to a private audience including James I.
  • The Blackfriars Theatre

    The Blackfriars Theatre
    The King's Men buys the Blackfriars Theatre, an indoor theatre in London, and performs there.
  • Sonnets

    Shakespeare's Sonnets is published by Thomas Thorpe.
  • The Globe Theatre Destroyed

    The Globe Theatre Destroyed
    During the performance of Henry VIII, a fire broke out and destroyed the building of the Globe Theatre.
  • Returns To Stratford

    Returns To Stratford
    Shakespeare goes back to Stratford from London.
  • The Second Globe Theatre

    The Second Globe Theatre
    The second Globe Theatre was built.
  • Death of William Shakespeare

    Death of William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare dies and is buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
  • First Folio

    First Folio
    John Heminge and Henry Condell, who are former colleagues of Shakespeare in the King's Men, publishes 36 of Shakespeare's play in a volume which is known as First Folio.