

  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare`s Born

    Shakespeare`s Born
  • William Shakespeare Get Married

    William Shakespeare Get Married
  • Shakespeare Get Child

    Shakespeare Get Child
    The christening of Susanna Shakespeare the first child of William and Anne born six months after their wedding
  • Shakespeare Get Another Child

    Shakespeare Get Another Child
    Twins, Hamnet and Judith were born during January
  • Shakesperare 1st Play

    Shakesperare 1st Play
    It is estimated that around 1590 Shakespeare wrote Henry VI, Part One. Around this same time, Shakespeare left Stratford to work as a playwright and actor in London.
  • London Theaters Close

    London Theaters Close
    Due to the outbreak of the bubonic plague, the city of London shuts down the theaters. Shakespeare uses this new found time to write poetry.
  • His 1st Poem is Published

    His 1st Poem is Published
    "Venus and Adonis" was Shakespeare's first published poem.
  • London's Theaters Re-open

    London's Theaters Re-open
    In the spring of 1594, the London theaters re-open to the public. Over the next 5 years Shakespeare's troupe, the Chamberlain's Men, becomes one of the most popular acting groups in London, and is frequently invited to perform in the royal court of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • "The Rape of Lucrece" is Published

    "The Rape of Lucrece" is Published
    Published in May of 1594 (exact date uknown).
  • Romeo and Julieta

    Romeo and Julieta
    Shakespeare published his best history
  • Building Of The Globe

    Building Of The Globe
    Shakespeare and other members of the company finance the building of the Globe Theatre. Date unknown.
  • shakespeare´s die

    shakespeare´s die
    William Shakespeare will died on his birthay day at 1616th . We think that he die because alcohol.