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  • 1616 BCE

    Last will

    Last will
    Shakespeare calls his lawyer to revise his will, making some changes that include leaving his "second-best bed" to his wife and £10 to the poor.
  • 1616 BCE

    Shakespeare Dies

    Shakespeare Dies
    William Shakespeare dies on his 52nd birthday.
  • 1613 BCE

    Final Plays

    Final Plays
    William writes his final plays Henry VIII, Two Noble Kinsmen and a few more
  • 1611 BCE

    Stratford again

    Stratford again
    Shakespeare leaves London and moves back to Stratford, where his wife and married daughters live.
  • 1609 BCE

    Sonnets Published

    Sonnets Published
    Publisher Thomas Thorpe prints a collection of 154 of Shakespeare's sonnets.
  • 1601 BCE


    Shakespeare's father dies and his patron Earl Southampton is sentenced to death for his role in Essex rebellion. This motivates Shakespeare to write Hamlet around this time.
  • 1595 BCE

    Death of Hamnet

    Death of Hamnet
    William and Anne bury their only son, Hamnet, who dies at the age of 11 of unknown causes.
  • 1594 BCE

    Theaters reopen

    Theaters reopen
    In the spring of 1594, the London theaters reopen to the public. Over the next five years Shakespeare's troupe, the Chamberlain's Men, becomes one of the most popular acting groups in London. They accept frequent invitations to perform in the royal court of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • 1593 BCE

    Plague Closes Theaters

    Plague Closes Theaters
    London theaters are closed due to a bursting forth of bubonic plague that kills about five percent of the city's residents. Shakespeare uses the break to write poetry.
  • 1593 BCE

    Venus and Adonis

    Venus and Adonis
    In April of 1593, Shakespeare publishes Venus and Adonis, his first long poem. It is dedicated to his patron Henry Wriothesley.
  • 1590 BCE

    First play

    First play
    In 1590 Shakespeare writes his first play, Henry VI, Part One. Also around the same time, William leaves Stratford to begin work as a playwright and actor in London.
  • 1585 BCE

    Twins born

    Twins born
    In 1585, Anne gives to birth two twins, daughter Judith and son Hamnet.
  • 1583 BCE

    First Child Born

    First Child Born
    In 1583, six months after their marriage, the Shakespeare's first child, Susanna, is born and baptized.
  • 1582 BCE

    Shakespeare marries

    Shakespeare marries
    Shakespeare married when he was 18 years. He married in 1582 with Anne Hathaway that was 26 years.
  • 1569 BCE

    Shakespeare Goes to School

    Shakespeare Goes to School
    Shakespeare enters in King's New School, an excellent grammar school in Stratford.
    Boys normally enter in the school around five years old, but since no official records survive, its impossible to know exactly when Shakespeare starts his education. In spite of was around 1592.
  • 1564 BCE

    Shakespeare born

    Shakespeare born
    William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Warwickshire, town of Statford-upon-Avon. His parents were John and Mary Arden Shakespeare.
    He was the third of eight brothers.
    It's impossible to know the day of his born but we knows that his baptism was the 26th of April of 1564.