Ann lee arrives
Unwelcome in England, lee travels to the .u.s. She settles in Watervliet, near Albany, New York. -
Lee dies
Lee dies on September 8 in Watervliet, New York. -
First shakers
The first Shaker building is built in Harvard, Massachusetts. -
First community
The first Shaker community is founded in New Lebanon, New York. The movement begins to travel westward. -
Flawless building
In Pleasantville, Kentucky the Shakers build their first flawless building. -
The Shakers reach their highest amount of people with about 6,000 members living in 19 villages -
Draft law
The Draft Law of 1863 is enacted during the Civil War. the Shakers refuse to fight. A shaker travels to Washington to ask lincoln to be exempt, from service, lincoln agrees -
One by one
Many Shaker communities begin to fold, one by one.