sgt john wilson

  • John and Jessie move to Vancouver

    John was promoted with his job but also got a position as a undercover policeman. Conrad Read accompanied the Wilsons also.
  • Elizabeth Worries

    Elizabeth Craig writes to Mr. Routledge, superintendent, about her suspicions. She wants to find out where her sister Polly is.
  • Opening the Investigation

    Routledge writes a letter to Superintendent Fitzpatrick Joseph Horrigan at the Vancouver detachment that opens the investigation into Polly’s disappearance.
  • John sent Jessie to Blaine Lake

  • The stolen Pistol

    Conrad Read finds a stolen Colt. 38 pistol from the Saskatoon office in Johns desk drawer.
  • The Pictures

    Horrigan writes to Commissioner Perry telling him that John is married to a younger lady that looks nothing like Polly in the letter from Elizabeth. It is discovered that the present Jessie is not Polly.
  • Elizabeths determination

    Elizabeth writes to Horrigan for the second time. Elizabeth continues to stay determined in communicating with her sister
  • The Murder weapon

    John sells his shotgun at a pawnshop for twenty three dollars under the name of J Williams.
  • John is Escorted to Regina

    john is removed from the Vancouver RNWMP. Inspector Henry Newson notifies Commissioner Perry that John has been recalled by the Immigration Board to give evidence for the Russian trials.
  • The Grave Site

    Drysdale is getting more information about Johns burned car and has suspicions thats where Pollys body is.