SFA Timeline

  • Fredonian Rebellion

    Fredonian Rebellion
    In 1825 the Mexican government gave away a tract of land to an empresario named Gaden Edwards. Cause of this, over 800 families settled in Mexico giving it a massive popularity boost. Sadly, many of the settlers weren't Mexican or Spanish at all making them lose many rights. Later in 1826 the were tired of not having any rights; therefore they rebelled against Mexican authority for the Texans rights. This did not work and only increased tensions between the Mexican and Texans government.
  • Mier y Teran Report

    Mier y Teran Report
    In 1829, Mexico got very worried about Texas. They got concerned because they thought that America was going to buy Texas. Mexico wouldn't want this because it would lead to wars, for Mexico and America have many different conflicts and opinions that they disagree on. This could lead to wars or more if Mexico shared a border with America. What Mexico did was they told Texas that America was trying to buy them or revolt against them leading to war, this made Texas stop talking with America.
  • The Law of April 6th, 1830

    The Law of April 6th, 1830
    The April 6th, 1830 law made it so Mexican or European countries couldn't immigrate to Texas.
    This made Texas mad because they knew Mexico was worried about the popularity of Texas. They were worried because if America fought with Texas then they would share borders with a new powerful country that has more potential than Mexico will ever have.
  • Conflict at Anahuac

    Conflict at Anahuac
    Taxes led to another conflict between Mexico and Texas. Mexico of course wanted to become more powerful, so they sent Mexican soldiers to collect taxes from people coming in and out of Mexico. They were based at a garrison, or fort, located at the mouth of the Trinity River. This enraged many people. Therefore, many people tried to compromise and find a way to get in and out of Mexico without charge. Most of the people just got arrested.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions​

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions​
    While the conflict at Anahuac was taking place in Texas, General Antonio López de Santa Anna was leading a revolt against Centralist president Anastacio Bustamante. Anastacio was unpopular with Texans, who believed his Centralist rule went against the Mexican Constitution of 1824. Santa Anna, on the other hand, had promised to follow the constitution, which most Texans supported.​ This made many people like Santa Anna more liked and popular.
  • Arrest of Stephen F. Austin​

    Arrest of Stephen F. Austin​
    Anglo-Americans called a second convention at San Felipe in April of 1833. Most of the delegates at this convention were not at the previous one meaning they had not been very knowledged of what was happening at the scene. Stephen F. Austin was representing Mexico City leading to him getting arrested for false reasons and reports. Austin wrote a letter to authorities in San Antonio on October 2. He suggested that they join with other officials across Texas to form a temporary state government.​