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Sexuality Education
National Education Association recommended for the first time that teachers be trained to provide education about sexuality
Chicago implemented Sex Education in High Schools
Chicago became the first city to implement sex education, but the Catholic Church did not agree with the program and attacked it so much that the Superintendent of Schools at the time, Ella Flagg Young, resigned. http://www.faqs.org/childhood/Re-So/Sex-Education.html -
American Social Hygiene Association was formed (ASHA)
The American Vigilance Association and The American Federation for Sex Hygiene joined to make the new national voluntary social hygiene association. The association focused on World War I soldiers from 1914-1920. They produced documents and pamphlets about syphilis and gonorrhea as well as information promoting high moral standards of sex conduct. http://www.faqs.org/childhood/Re-So/Sex-Education.html -
The Chamberlain-Kahn Act of 1918 provided money to educate soldiers about syphilis and gonorrhea
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is adopted as the new name for the Birth Control Federation of America
SIECUS was founded
Dr. Mary Calderone, medical director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. Her reason for creating SIECUS was because of her concern that young people and adults lacked accurate information about sex, sexuality, and sexual health. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/PPFA/Sex_Ed_in_the_US.pdf -
Contraceptives were made legal for married couples
Welfare Reform Act
Federal Government directed tens of millions of dollars to abstinence education programs -
Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research
Contraceptives were made legal for unmarried people
Adolescent Family Act is passed
Congress passes Adolescent Family life act- aka “Chastity Law” funding programs to promote sexual abstinence before marriage http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/PPFA/Sex_Ed_in_the_US.pdf -
Dr. CE Koop sent HIV/AIDS reports to 107 million households in the USA signiling that AIDS was a public health issue, not a moral issue.
– Rep Henry Waxman released The Content of Federally Funded Abstinence-Only Education Programs
"Emerging Answers" was published
The national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy published Emerging Answers- which is a summary of Douglas Kirby’s 115 studies he conducted to measure the impact of comprehensive sex education programs. His study found that the programs helped reduce number of sex partners, increase condom usage, and helped delay first intercourse. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/PPFA/Sex_Ed_in_the_US.pdf -
Twenty-five states have rejected federal funding for abstinence-only programs, based on evaluations that suggest that they don't have an impact on behavior.
Consolidated Appropriation Acts of 2010
President Barack Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010. This included 110 million dollars for the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI). This was the first federally funded initiative that could be used for more comprehensive approaches to sex education. The contracts and grants were used for private and public organizations. http://www.siecus.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.viewPage&pageID=1341&nodeID=1 -
Planned Parenthood launched a live chat/text program
This program aims to provide access to teens and young adults in moments of crisis, enable live interactions to lower anxiety, and take advantage of young people’s preferences for new communication preferences. 87% of the visitors have found the service very helpful or somewhat helpful. The built-in surveys show that the experience reduces the level of worry for many visitors. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/PPFA/Sex_Ed_in_the_US.pdf