Pre Colonial Era
Pre colonial societies were not ruled by the same heterosexual norms we know nowadays. -
Emergence of "sodomite"
Criminalization of same-sex sexual relations by categorizing them as sodomy. -
United States v. Susan B. Anthony
In the fall of 1872 in Monroe County, New York, Anthony and fourteen other women voted in the presidential election. Two weeks later, the women were arrested for illegally voting. In fact, the registrars who allowed these women to vote were also arrested and charged. Although a judge paid Anthony's bail so that she would be free, Anthony was found guilty of illegal voting. She brought the case to the US Supreme Court and they ruled that women could NOT vote. -
19th Amendment to the US Constitution
Gave women the right to vote in the US -
Hoyt v. Florida
Jury duty was mandatory for men only so a female defendant faced an all-male jury during trial. This case on discrimination in the courtroom was brought to the Supreme Court to allow women to participate as jurors. However, the Supreme Court denied that exempting women from jury duty was discriminatory and ruled that women were needed in the home instead and also needed to be "protected" from court procedures. -
Equal Pay Act
Prohibited wage, salary, and pay discrimination based on sex. -
Females mandated to jury duty
US Supreme Court ruled that excluding women from jury duty was unconstitutional -
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Law was established by the Clinton Administration and prohibited service members from discriminating against or harassing any "closeted" members of the LGBT community. In 2010, Obama signed the 'Don't Ask' repeal. -
Lawrence-Gardner vs. Texas
The US Supreme Court would decriminalized same-sex sexual conduct. -
Proposition 8 - California
Voters approved Proposition 8 in California, which makes same-sex marriage illegal. Two years later, on August 4th, 2010, the same proposition was found unconstitutional by a federal judge. -
Hate crimes bill extended to LGBTQ
Obama signed a law that makes it a federal crime to assault an individual because of his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. -
Legal same- sex marriage
The US Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage as legal. -
Gender Wage Gap Persists
On average, women earn 82% of what men earn for the same job. -
First Transgender member in the US military
The Pentagon confirms that the first transgender person has signed a contract to join the US military.