Sex Ed becomes national education curriculum
National Education Association promotes sexuality education as a part of a national education curriculum -
Congress promotes sexuality education before puberty
YMCA introduces health
YMCA introduces concept of positive health and promotes sexuality education as part of a total health program -
YMCA creates commission on Sexuality Education
1st birth control clinic opened by Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn New York where the clinic provided family planning education, counseling and imported diaphragms. She was arrested and jailed for obscenity charged. -
1st major publication on sexuality education
US Gov. support sex ed in White House Conference on Child Welfare
US Public Health Service conducts 50 regional conferences in sex ed in HS's and colleges
Public Health Service publishes Manual on Sex Education in High Schools
AMA recognizes birth control as medical practice and education
US Public Health Service labels school sexuality education an "urgent need"
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is the new name for Birth Control Federation of America
American School Health Association launches nationwide program in family life education
AMA and National Education Association publish 5 sexuality education pamphlets for schools
FDA approves sale of oral contraceptives
Opposition to sexuality education
Following the approved sale of oral contraceptives, opposition begins. The John Birch society, Christian Crusade, Parents Opposed to Sex and Sensitivity Education, Sanity on Sex, and Mothers organized for Moral Stability organized to oppose against sexuality education. -
SIECUS founded
Eisenhower's televised PSA for Planned Parenthood
Eisenhower is trying to show america that planned parenthood has professionals that are educating america -
Supreme Court prohibits abortions in Roe v. Wade
Adolescent Family Life Act passed
The act which funds programs to promote sexual abstinence before marriage -
Viagra explodes on the market
Family Life Education Act introduced in congress
The act is introduced by Barbara Lee and James Greenwood that have a vision of US sexuality education policy that is research based and supported by medical, public health and education organizations -
25 states reject federal funding for abstinence only programs
The states claimed that the abstinence only programs don't have any impact on behavior -
Congress funds the Personal Responsibility Education Program
Provides $75 million annually for evidence based medically accurate, age appropriate programs to educate adolescents about abstinence and contraception -
Publically funded Sexuality instruction for Parents is Promoted
The 4th International Congress on School Hygiene promoted publically funded sexuality instruction for parents for the purpose of gaining support for school sexuality education