Seven Years War

  • Birth of George Washington

    Birth of George Washington
    Washington would become a colonel and command the Virginia militia during the seven years war.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    A proposal that would put all American colonies under one government which would make them easier to govern and come together to fend off greater enemies instead of each other.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    A global conflict mainly between Britain and France that began in North America which ended with France ceding all of it's North American territory to England and Spain.
  • General Edward Braddock and Two Regiments Arrive at Fort Duquesne

    General Edward Braddock and Two Regiments Arrive at Fort Duquesne
    The British government wanted to defend it's American colonies from attacks from American Indians and the French so they decided to send additional troops.
  • France and Britain Officially Declare War

    France and Britain Officially Declare War
    France allies: Austria, Russia, Sweden, most of German states, and Spain
    Great Britain allies: Portugal and Prussia
  • Battles Begin to Breakout

    Battles Begin to Breakout
    What started as a small regional conflict turned into a global conflict that led to a dramatic expansion of British territory in North America and a higher demand from American Colonists for more control of their lives.
  • Britain Recapture's Louisburg on Cape Breton

    Britain Recapture's Louisburg on Cape Breton
    Britain poured more soldiers into it's North American Campaign which helped them recapture the fort at Louisburg on Cape Breton Island which was a key to France's defense of Canada.
  • The British Win Quebec and Control of Canada

  • Peace of Paris

    Peace of Paris
    The peace treaty ending the Seven Years War which gave Britain control of North America east of the Mississippi River.
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    Proclamation Line of 1763
    It limited westward expansion.