Seven Years War

  • Land territories

    Land territories
    By the 1750s the French had claimed most of Canada and the Great Lakes and the British had their 13 colonies along the Atlantic.
  • War is sparked

    War is sparked
    George Washington was sent by the governor of Virginia to warn the French to stay away from the area that is Pittsburgh but the French refused.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    A plan made by Benjamin Franklin to create a more centralized colonial government. Policies were established for defense, trade, territorial expansion, and better relations between colonists and Native Americans. The plan was rejected.
  • Start of the war

    Start of the war
    Began because British colonists wanted to expand their land west of the original colonies but it was held by the French. Also called the French and Indian war.
  • British strategy

    British strategy
    The British started to send more troops and money to North America. They captured the French forts, Louisburg, Duquesne, and Frontenac.
  • Treaty of Easton

    Treaty of Easton
    Colonial agreement between the British colonists and the chiefs of the Native American nations. It guaranteed the protection of Indigenous lands from colonists.
  • The battle at the Plains of Abraham

    The battle at the Plains of Abraham
    The British defeated the French and took over the city of Quebec. The British commander, General Wolfe and the French commander, General Montcalm were killed in the battle.
  • The French leaves Canada

    The French leaves Canada
    The British capture Montreal which ends the conflict in Canada.
  • Battle of Signal Hill

    Battle of Signal Hill
    The last battle in North America of the Seven Years' War. The British caught the French by surprise resulting in their forces retreating and surrendering.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    Resulted in the French ceding most of its territory in North America to the British. Spain is given Louisiana and the war is ended