Seven Years War

  • The War Starts in Europe

    Frederick the Great launches a preemptive attack on Saxony with 70,000 men. The sudden attack launches the war.
  • Period: to

    The Seven Years War

  • Battle of Lobositz

    Frederick won againsts Austria's Marshal Brown. Frederick won the battle and Prussia got 17,000 soldiers, and 80 guns.
  • Battle of Kolin

    It was Prussia's first lose in the war under Frederick/ The Austrians killed 14,000 Prussians, and got 43 guns.
  • Battle of Hastenbech

    The French defeated the Hanoverians, causing the signing of the Convention of Closter-Seven.
  • Battle of Gross-Jagersdorf

    28,000 Prussians lost to the Russian Army. However, the Russians were unable to follow up their victory.
  • Battle of Rosbach

    30,000 Prussians were attackedby 80,000 French and Austrians. Prussia threw them into disorder, killing 4,000, and taking 7,000 prisioners and 43 guns. They only lost 3,000.
  • Battle of Breslau

    9,000 Austrians attacked 25,000 Prussians commanded by the Price of Beveren. The Prussians were forced to abandon the city of Breslau, while the Austrians took 3,600 prisioners, including the Prince of Beveren, and 80 guns.
  • Battle of Leuthen

    33,000 Prussians attacked 90,000 Austrians with Frederick the Great. The Austrians lost 7,000 men, 20,000 prisioners, and 134 guns. They also lost 3 generals. This cause the city of Breslau to surrender to Prussia, giving them 18,000 men.
  • Battle of Zorndorf

    25,000 Prussians under Fredrick the Great defeated the Russian Army. They killed 19,000 solidiers, while Prussia lost 11,000.
  • Battle of Hochkirchen

    The Austrians surprised the Prussians, killing 9,000, including two prices, all their tents, baggages, and guns. The Austrians lost 8,000,
  • Battle of Bergen

    The French won againts 40,000 Hanoverians, and kept Bergen, which the main reason for the Hannoverian attack.
  • Battle of Warburg

    35,000 French lost againts Prussian and British armies after losing 1,500 men, and 1,500 prisioners.
  • Battle of Minden

    64,000 French lost againts 54,000 Prussians, British, and Hanoveirans. The French lost 7,086 soliders, and 43 guns.
  • Battle of Kunersdorf

    40,000 Prussians under Frederick attacked Russia. 80,000 Austrians, and Russians. Prussia lost 24,000 men.
  • Battle of Plains of Abraham

    The British defeated the French with 1,500 dead, while the British had 646 wounded. This caused the French to evacuate Quebec.
  • Battle of Campen

    The French defeated the Prussians, with a lost of 1,600 men.
  • Battle of Maxen

    Austrians and Prussians fought, until the Prussians surrendered with 15,000 men.
  • Battle of Lignitz

    40,000 Prussians beated 90,000 Austrians with 4,000 killed, and 6,000 prisioners.
  • Battle of Lignitz

    The Austrians lost 20,000, the Prussians, 13,000, and the victory gave Frederick possession of the whole of Saxony.
  • Battle of Kirch-Denkern

    The Prussians defeated the French with 4,000 killed and wounded.
  • Treaty of Parish Sign

    The treaty formally ended the war between every country except Prussia and Austria. It began the era of British dominace around the globe.
  • treaty of Hubertusburg

    It formally ended the war betweenAUstria and Prussia, and made Prussia one of the greatest powers in Europe.
  • Battle of Gherain

    Fought between the army of Mir Cossim, the deposed Nawab of Bengal, and the British under Major Adams. A severe engagement, lasting four hours, ended in a signal victory for the British.