John ii the good

Seven Year's War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War

    A brief timeline highlighting important events of the Seven Years' War.
  • Surprise Attack on Fort Duquesne

    Surprise Attack on Fort Duquesne
    Washington surprise-attacked Fort Duquesne in May 1754 with help from Native Americans hostile to the French. This led the governors of Virginia and North Carolina to provide Colonel Washington with more troops
  • French Responds with Large Force

    French Responds with Large Force
    The French responded to the surprise attack on Fort Duquesne with a much larger force that made Washington surrender.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Benjamin Franklin put together a plan in the summer of 1754 in Albany, New York after the British inviting an official delegation from the Iroquois. They wanted to create a better colonial government that would establish policies over several issues and create better relations. The plan was never implemented.
  • Colonial Militia Units Head to Battle

    Colonial Militia Units Head to Battle
    Colonial militia units were sent to battle the French and their Native American allies along the frontiers of New York and New England.
  • General Edward Braddock Arrives

    General Edward Braddock Arrives
    General Edward Braddock arrives with two regiments to expel the French from Fort Duquesne. Washington joins him as his personal aide-de-camp.
  • French and Britain Declare War

    French and Britain Declare War
    France and Great Britain officially declare war against each other.
  • French Victory Expected?

    French Victory Expected?
    Austria, Sweden, Russia, most of Germany, and Spain allied with France. Portugal and Prussia sided with Great Britain. As winter approached, French victory appeared certain.
  • Britain Victory Expected?

    Britain Victory Expected?
    The tide of the war began to turn towards Britain's favor. Prussian troops held the line on the European front and Britain provided more soldiers and arms into their North American campaign.
  • British Forces Recapture Louisburg

    British Forces Recapture Louisburg
    With aid from their colonial troops, Britain recaptures the fort at Louisburg on Cape Britain Island. This was crucial because it was a key to the defense of Canada for France.
  • British Take More Control

    British Take More Control
    The British take control of Fort Frontenac, Fort Ticonderoga, and Crown Point on Lake Champlain. French efforts in North America suffer.
  • Britain Wins Canada

    Britain Wins Canada
    Britain wins Quebec and control of Canada, sacrificing many lives.
  • Peace Negotiations Open

    Peace Negotiations Open
    King George III grows concerned with the expense of war conflict and opens peace negotiations with France.
  • Peace of Paris

    Peace of Paris
    Peace treaty is signed ending the Seven Years' War. Under the terms of the treaty, Britain obtained control of North America east of the Mississippi River and of present-day Canada. The British empire reigned supreme and France was pretty much expelled from North America.