Travel from Europeam Country to Africa
They traded lot of good back in the 1790's. Mostly between Europe and Africa. America also was in this trade exchange. -
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Travel to Africa
Europeans travel to Africa. Europeans trade things with Africans for slaves. Then bring them to America. -
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Stages involving Africans
These are the stages of slav es being sold. -
Initial Capture
Africans sold each other. Europeans took most of them to America. Europeans demanded labor and work. -
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Process of Slavery
They are capturing slaves. Once they capture them. They put them in dungeons. -
Holding Prisons
Africans Capture the slaves. Europeans made a deal with the African who capture the slaves. Europeans kept the Slaves in dungeons. -
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Holding Slaves
Getting the slaves, was not the only thing they had to do. Europeans had to load them in the ships. -
After getting the Slaves. The Europeans load them up in the ships. Usually in a group of 2-8. -
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Hardest part
Going on to the sea is the hardest part. You will have to survive months with no space. Or much food. Defiently hard. -
Altanlic Passage
You have to survial. Going months without good food or water is tough! Speacily when you have no space or much sunlight! -
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Trying to land takes a long. But going to the towns is really hard and takes a long time. And sad becuase the slaves are walking to their death or ending their freedom. -
initial landing and enslavement
Going from water to land. Passing through rivers and hills. Has to be sword. -
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Giving the slaves
They have to give the slaves aways. The slaves will go the Colonist. The slaves will do a lot of work for now on. -
Relocation to other west Atlantic sites
Selling the slaves. For lot of money. Slaves were sold in a huge amount.