seven days battle

  • Battle of Oak Grove first of the seven days battles

    Oak Grove is better seen as the last offensive move of McClellan’s Peninsula campaign. On 25 June McClellan moved part of Heintzelman’s corps forward from their positions held after Seven Pines, on his left flank, in preparation for a more significant attack further north, planned for the following day.
  • Battle of Beaver Dam Creek (Battle of Mechanicsville)

    it was fought between General McClellan and General Robert E. Lee. Losses total 361 for the Union and 1,484 for the Confederates. The Union can claim a the victory. This is the second battle of the Seven Days Battles.
  • Battle of Gaine's Mill

    The third contest of the Seven Days Battles. It is a Confederate victory by Robert E. Lee over McLellan. it was the largest of the Seven Days and Confederate victory of the Peninsula Campaign. Union casualties 34,214
  • Battle of Savage's Station

    the fifth of the Seven Days Battles. The Union suffering 1,038 casualties against the Confederate's 473. Sumner led the Union forces against Magruder, Union forces withdraw.
  • Battle of Garnett's & Goldings Farm

    The 4th battle of the seven days battles, neither side "won" losses are minimal by the war's standard - 189 Union elements to the Confederate's 438.
  • Battle of White Oak Swamp

    The fifth battle, marks another inconclusive victory. Union General Franklin leads against Stonewall. Losses are minimal for both sides.
  • Battle of Malvern Hill

    The Seven Days Battles come to an end. Casualties total 18,849 for the Union and as many as 20,100 for the Confederates. It is a Confederate victory. General McClellan's forces fail to make progress. It makes the culmination of the Peninsular Campaign.