6 months
I began holding my bottle when I was 6months of age. -
10 months
At 10 months, I began crawling. -
I was born 12/29/1977. My parents names are Pauline Smith and Larry Anderson. -
13 months
At 13 months. I began standing and holding on to furniture. -
14 months
At 14 months I began walking without assistance. -
16-24 months
From the age of 16 to 24 months I began talking, I was also potty trained. This was the age where I begin to cry when I was separated from my mom. -
Early Childhood age 3-5
At the age of three I was writing using my right hand. I could make circles and not so perfect triangles. -
Early Childhood
This stage in my life. I was able to use scissors. I could recite my alphabets. I was able to wash my face and dress myself without assistance. I was also able to tie my shoes. -
Early Childhood
At the age of five. I was attending school. I enjoyed playing with others. At this age I was no longer angry when my mom left. -
Middle Childhood
This was the age when I loved to go outside and play double Dutch with my friends. we played hop scotch. I loved going to school and my grades were excellent. At the age of 11 I got the chicken pox. I had to be rushed to the hospital because I also suffered from asthma. -
Middle Childhood
At the age of ten, I loved writing poems and one was actually published in a book the school had. I attended a after school program that taught me how to crotchet and knit. -
Middle Childhood
At this age I was very independent. I did homework independently. I also knew how to wash dishes and do my siblings laundry. -
Adolescence age 11-18
puberty or menarche began -
Adolescence age 11-18
My first crush. I really really like T.J. I thought that he was the cutest boy I've ever seen. -
I was very independent with my school work. I no longer needed assistance from my mother. -
Adolescence age 11-18
Decided my career goals. Responsible for younger siblings. graduated from Pershing High School with a 3.8 GPA. I was not easily influenced by peer pressure. i didn't smoke or drink. Got to vote -
Adulthood age 18-25
Balanced working and going to school. Worked at Thorn apple Valley. I got paid weekly. I worked a lot of hours. -
Adulthood age 18-25
The best day of my life. My son Dameko was born at 6:26p.m. The most amazing gift god can give you. He weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces. He had a head full of hair. -
Adulthood age 18-25
I began taking classes to be a Certified Nurses assistant. I moved out of my moms houseandgot my own aoartment. My rent was only $500 dollars per month. i also bought my first new car. a 2001 Chevy Cavalier. -
Adulthood age 18-25
Me my son and his father begin going to First Union Baptist Church. I was baptized. -
Adulthood age 18-25
I was living with my child's father we were engaged to be married but it never happened. I was financially stable. I worked two jobs. I worked as a CNA and as a United Postal worker. -
I started working as Certified Nurses Assistant. -
Started Nursing school. I was nervous but was totally prepared for the sacrifices I was about to make. -
This was my graduation day. I finally finish nursing school. My mom, my son and mu family attended. One of my proudest moments. I worked full time and still was able to be in the top 5 in my class. -
I was scheduled to take the nclex. I was very nervous and felt so unsure about the answers I was picking. I passed after answering 84 questions -
My first nursing job. I was very proud of myself. -
My son's first day of High School. He's growing up so fast. -
The worst day of my life. My mom passed away at 9:08p.m.. I had to bestrong for my siblings and my son. Had to make decisions abnd phonre calls that I was not prepared to make. -
I will be starting the nursing program to be a R.N. -
My son will be graduating from High School. Time goes by really fast . I still view him as my little baby. -
Don't really feel comfortable predicting my death. I will leave this earth whren god is ready for me.