
  • Hae Lee's murder

    Hae Lee was murdered Jan. 13 1999
  • Adnan reversed himself

    Adnan spoke to the police Feb 1st and reversed himmself by saying he did not ask Hae for a ride to school.
  • Hae Min Lee's body was found in a park.

    Hae Min Lee's body was found in a big park in a baltimore. (A month after she was born)
  • Jay got interveiwed by police giving his verison #1 of his albi

    Jay got interveiwed by the police and this is where he tells them the very first version of his story. (notice over time it will change)
  • Adnan got arrested for the murder of Hae Min Lee

    The day Adnan Syed got arrested for the murder Hae Min Lee.
  • Rabia wrote Adnan letter #1

    Rabia and Adnan exchange letters, within those letters they discuss how they "hungout" or seen eachother when Adnan was supposedly killing Hae.
  • Rabia wrote Adnan another letter, Letter #2.

    Rabia wrote Adnan letter #2, the day after she wrote letter #1.