Sequence of tenses

  • 423

    Sequence of tenses

    Sequence of tenses
  • Period: 423 to 427

    creation of present simple

    Settlement of Angles and Saxons in the British Isles, displacement of Celtic languages and Latin. The Old English language appears. Vocabulary and grammar are formed under the influence of Viking and Norman dialects
  • Period: 430 to 450

    Creation of present continious

    Settlement of Angles and Saxons in the British Isles, displacement of Celtic languages and Latin. The Old English language appears. Vocabulary and grammar are formed under the influence of Viking and Norman dialects
  • Period: 460 to 479

    creation of present perfect

    Settlement of Angles and Saxons in the British Isles, displacement of Celtic languages and Latin. The Old English language appears. Vocabulary and grammar are formed under the influence of Viking and Norman dialects
  • Period: 600 to 650

    Creation of past simple

    William the Conqueror conquers
    British Isles, Anglo-Norman dialect becomes dominant throughout the country
  • Period: 670 to 712

    Creation of past continious

    William the Conqueror conquers
    British Isles, Anglo-Norman dialect becomes dominant throughout the country
  • Period: 735 to 800

    Creation of future simple

    Transition to Middle English, active borrowing of words from French
    12th--15th centuries
    Middle English is quickly filled with words from continental dialects. Managerial terms, military designations, names of dishes are borrowed.
  • Period: 810 to 850

    Creation of future perfect

    16th century.
    Early New English is formed.
    The Great Vowel Shift takes place, phonetic rules change significantly. The spread of printing and publication of the first dictionary of the English language
    17th-18th centuries
  • Period: 1250 to 1400

    Creation of future perfect continious

    Colonization of North America and Australia leads to the spread of New English to the overseas possessions of Great Britain. Regional differences in stylistic and grammatical norms are formed.
  • Period: 1500 to 1550

    Creation of past perfect continious

    19th century
    Key grammatical, phonetic and stylistic norms of modern English are finalized.