History sepak takraw

Sepak Takraw

  • Period: 1200 to 1500

    Malacca Sultanate

    The game is played for for its mentioned in the Malay historical text " Sejarah Melayu or Malay Annals. It is also become popular in the royal court of Malacca and it is known as sepak raga
  • Period: 1521 to

    In the Philippines

    This sport was called "sipa" and along with traditional martial arts survived the three century Spanish colonisation. It is a popular sport played by children in Philippines. It was the Philippine national sport until it was replaced by arnis in 2009.
  • Period: to

    In Thailand (Siam)

    There was an evidence that the Thai had played Sepak Takraw since the Ayutthaya Kingdom, at least during the reign of King Naresuan (1590–1605).The Murals at Bangkok's Wat Phra Kaeo which was built in 1785, depict the Hindu god Hanuman playing sepak takraw in a ring with a troop of monkeys. The game was played in its circle form for hundreds of years, and the modern version of sepak takraw began taking shape in Thailand sometime during the early 1740s.
  • Period: to

    In Indonesia

    It was spread from nearby Malacca across the strait to Riau islands and Riau area in Sumatra, where it is also called as Sepak Raga in local Malay tongue,at that time some of Sumatran areas were part of Malacca sultanate. It was spread across archipelago and introduced the game to Buginese people in Sulawesi.Then the game is developed as Buginese traditional game which is called "Raga" (the players are called "Pa'Raga").and was popular in South Sulawesi
  • In Malaysia

    Sepak Takraw was first played in that country and the players use a ball made in rattan
  • Period: to

    In Thailand

    In 1929 the Siam Sports Association drafted the first rules for takraw competition. Four years later, the association introduced the volleyball-style net and held the first public contest. Within just a few years, takraw was introduced to the curriculum in Siamese schools. The game became such a cherished local custom that another exhibition of volleyball-style takraw was staged to celebrate the kingdom's first constitution in 1933, the year after Thailand abolished absolute monarchy.
  • South East Asia

    The net version of the game had spread throughout Southeast Asia, and formal rules were introduced.
  • Some parts of South East Asia

    Countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Laos, and Burma (Myanmar) were improved the standard rules of the game and the called the game " sepak takraw".