Sense of Time

  • 29,000 BCE


    People can now make pottery
  • 10,000 BCE


    The start of farming
  • 6000 BCE


    People are irrigating crops
  • 4200 BCE


    The wheel is invented
  • 3500 BCE


    People can use boats with sails
  • 3500 BCE


    Weaving is created
  • 3400 BCE


    Creation of the first written language
  • 2550 BCE

    The Great Pyramid

    Great Pyramids are made
  • 2500 BCE

    Bronze working

    Tools made out of bronze
  • 1300 BCE


    Things can be made from iron
  • 600 BCE

    Roman Concrete

    Roman Concrete is invented
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great died
  • 206 BCE


    Creation of the compass
  • 6 BCE

    Birth of Christ

    Estimated birth of Christ
  • 105


    Paper is created
  • 142


    Gunpowder is created
  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

    End of the ROman Empire
  • 610

    Islam founded

    Islam is founded
  • 644


    Lightweight wooden sails
  • 1270

    Mechanical Clock

    The mechanical clock is invented
  • 1286


    Eyeglasses are invented
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    The printing press is invented
  • 1493

    Columbus sails to W. Indies

    Columbus sails to the West Indies
  • Pilgrims land Plymouth Rock

    The pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock
  • Steam Locomotive

    THe steam locomotive is invented
  • Bicycle

    Bicycle is invented
  • Photography

    People can start taking pictures
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Farm tool
  • Deere Self-Scouring Plow

    Farming equipment
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber now exists
  • Man made fertilizer

    People can now make fertilizer
  • Rechargeable battery

    Creation of a rechargeable battery
  • Paper Currency

    Paper money now exists
  • Pasteurization

    Can now pasteurize products
  • US Civil War Ends

    The end of the Civil War
  • Typewriter

    People can now type
  • American Independence

    America is now independent
  • Telephone

    First ever telephone
  • Phonograph

    Phonograph is invented
  • Lightbulb

    Invention of the light bulb
  • Coca-Cola

    Coke is invented
  • Diesel Engine

    Patent year of the diesel engine
  • Motion Pictures

    Short films
  • World War l

    World War l starts
  • Wright Bros Fly

    Wright Brothers fly for the first time
  • Ford Model T

    The first mass-produced car
  • Fordson Tractor

    A tractor is invented
  • Transatlantic Flight

    Flights can now cross the atlantic
  • First radio station

    First ever radio station
  • Television

    First ever television
  • Penicillin

    Penicillin is invented
  • Nylon

    Nylon is created
  • WWll Begins

    The start of WWll
  • Transistor

    Invention of an electrical piece
  • A-Bombs dropped on Japan

    A-Bombs are dropped onto Japan
  • Barcodes

    Barcodes are invented
  • Polio Vaccine

    A vaccine for polio is invented
  • McDonald's

    First McDonalds opens
  • AI

    Artificial Intelligence
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik was launched into space
  • Moonlanding

    US lands on the moon
  • Nanotubes

    Nanotubes are invented
  • Pong Debuts

    First video game

    VHS and VCR are created
  • Apple ll Personal Computer

    Apple releases 2nd personal computer
  • CD

    The compact disc
  • Smallpox Eradicated Worldwide

    End of smallpox worldwide
  • Sony Walkman

    One of the first headphones
  • Internet

    Internet is created
  • Motorola DynaTec Cell Phone

    A cell phone is invented

    Gene editing technology
  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth is invented
  • WiFi

    Wifi is invented
  • Cloning of Dolly

    Dolly the sheep is cloned
  • iPod debuts

    The iPod is released
  • Google Maps

    Google maps is invented
  • iPhone debuts

    iPhone is released
  • Netflix Streaming

    Netflix now streams movies
  • Bitcoin

    Digital currency
  • Today

    Today's date