
Sennet Senadheera

  • 415 BCE

    Democritus and the atom

    Democritus and the atom
    Democritus was a Greek Philosopher. He proposed the conscience of matter being made up of "tiny, indivisible, and indestructible particles" which he named atomos, meaning indivisible. However, his ideas were soon rejected.
  • John Dalton's Atomic Theory

    John Dalton's Atomic Theory
    John Dalton was a chemist. He formed an Atomic Theory, which contains five sectors.
    1. All matter consists of tiny particles.
    2. Atoms are indestructible and unchangeable.
    3. Elements are sorted by the atomic mass of their atoms.
    4. When elements react, their atoms join in simple, whole integer proportions.
    5. When elements react, their atoms sometimes combine in more than one simple, whole-number ratio.
    These sectors made the basis of atomic chemistry.
  • J.J. Thomson's Gas Discharge Tube Experiment/Discovering Electrons

    J.J. Thomson's Gas Discharge Tube Experiment/Discovering Electrons
    URL: Electron Video
    J.J Thomson performed his famous gas discharge tube experiment in 1897. He noticed a movement in his gas tube, and then recognized it as cathode rays. The ray that transferred from one end to the other end was named the electron.
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment

    Lord Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
    URL: Nucleus Video
    Lord Rutherford was a chemist, and conducted the popular Gold Foil Experiment. This was an experiment, in which he used special equipment to blast particles called alpha particles, in order to see if they would pass through the foil instantly. It partially worked! He discovered two things:
    1. Atoms are mostly empty space.
    2. They are made of a small positive nucleus.
  • Niels Bohr's Atom Model

    Niels Bohr's Atom Model
    Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist. He created a model of an average atom, which looked like a solar system. This was what he discovered: the levels where electrons bounce around.
    Levels: 1- 2 electrons
    2- 8 electrons
    3- 18 electrons
    4-32 electrons