Air-Traffic Controllers Strike
Thousands of Air Traffic Controllers went on strike for more pay and were fired because of it. -
Equal Access Act
This allowed groups to have access to school facilities. -
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act
This act allowed spending cuts to take place if Congress failed to meet the goals. This was declared unconstitutional and a new version of this act took place in 1987. -
Iran-Contra Scandal
A 1980's arrangment that gave money to Nicaraguan reebels from the selling of weapons to Iran. -
Board of Education of Westside Community Schools V. Mergens
The court ruled that Westside High School was in direct violation of the Equal Access Act when they disallowed a group of students to create a Christian group. -
Reno v. ACLU
The Federal Communications Decency Act made it against the law to send indecent messages via the internet. The court ruled that the "Indecent transmission" provision violated freedom of speech. -
Mitchell v. Helms
Mary Helms filed a suit saying the Consolidation and Improvement Act violated the first ammendment. However, the court ruled against Helms. -
Bush v. Gore
After the heavily argued presidential election of 2000, Florida's Supreme Court requested that every county in Florida had to recount ballots. George Bush requested a review in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court stated that Florida's plan for recounting Ballots was unconstitutional, and also stated that the Equal Protection Clause promises that individual's ballots can't be devalued.