Angel xmen

Senior Project Timeline

  • Senior Project Chosen Topic

    Senior Project Chosen Topic
    After taking time and considering many different senior project options, I finally settled on cosplay as my senior project.
  • Forum joining

    I joined for my required forum
  • Found a Mentor

    I had looked online for seamstresses and costume designers in Napa for a few hours and came accross an article about one who happened to be a classmates mother. I called her and explained to her what I needed as a senior project mentor and was able to get the paperwork to her. She agreed to mentor me and signed the contract!
  • First Mentor Meeting

    First Mentor Meeting
    I met with my mentor, Debra Dooling-Sherman for the first time and planned out the beginnings of my senior project.
  • Senior Project Start-up

    Senior Project Start-up
    From the next steps given to me by my mentor, I started measuring and mapping out my wings for my first cosplay. I even made a life-size model of tape on the ground to see what it would look like. I have a photo.
  • Remade blueprint

    Remade blueprint
    I took the old blueprint that was made to scale, and remade it, larger than before so I could see the wood pieces I would need better. I plan on going to a hobby or hardware store soon as well as a fabric store to start building and making the wings.
  • List of needed materials for wings made

    Researched and decided type of wood needed for the frame, the type of paper going to be used for the feathers, screws, washers and nuts going to be used for keeping everything together.
  • Shopping time

    I went to Home Depot and spent roughly 45 minutes there trying to find everything I needed, and ended p not finding everything. I did find the dowels needed for the wings, and I found the screws, nuts, and washers.
  • Mentor Meeting

    My mentor and I chatted about my updated blueprint, made a plan for the last of the material needed, and talked about how we will be making the feathers for the wings. Planned for the future fitting needed for my body suit.
  • Start Feathers

    Start Feathers
    Started making feathers for the wings and found the paper I had gotten was too thin. I had to double the paper up, hot-gluing down the middle to create the illusion of the middle spine of a feather.
  • Got a black body suit

    Got a black body suit
    After waiting 3 weeks for my back ordered leotard for the base of my costume, it finally came in.
  • Feather paper ran out, got more

  • Ordered posture corrector

    Ordered posture corrector
    I need a backplate to connect my wings to my back. The solution to this is a posture corrector. The posture corrector has two metal rods going down the back allowing for perfectly placed screws for wing placement.
  • wing building Day 1

    wing building Day 1
    Cut and drilled into wooden dowels for the wings.
  • Wing building day 2

    Put together one side of the wings and found a few problems. Was able to solve the flimsy wing problem and is moving on.
  • wing building day 3

    wing building day 3
    Was trying to figure out how to set a height for the wings so they don't over extend. Figured out after lots of trials and errors to use a small rope around the wing joints wth a set loop to hook on my shoulder to use as the set hight for the wing extention. Finished other side of wings and hooked onto a wood plank.
  • Wing building day 4

    Wing building day 4
    Got in the posture corrector and was able to put the wings on the rods.