Period: to
Senior Capstone Project
Throughout the whole school year this will be my initial focus/ task based off the topic of hair styling. Must create Google Site for an overview of your project to present to my audience and update throughout the school year. -
Period: to
Proposal Forms
Brainstorm 5 Ideas/Topics describing the service of the topic(s) and later pick one out of the five that will be considered as your official project. -
Period: to
Letter of Intent
Letter/Documentation proposing the project of your choice and receiving approval for it. -
Period: to
Finding A Mentor
Pick someone that will help and guide me in the field/topic of my project (hair styling) , I must create a Bio about them in my Google Site page. -
Period: to
Start Journal Entry's
Record were I'm at in my project and self- asses on my progress of what I've accomplished throughout the week (Bi-Weekly) to help stay on task, reflect on my experiences, and stay on top of my schedule timeline. -
Period: to
Start 'The Project'
Now I should start getting active/"hands-on" with my project; start planning hair-styling lessons, gathering materials, meet up with mentor, practice, record, etc. While along the way; take pictures, gather evidence, updating Bi -Weekly journals etc. In order to present/update my Google Site. -
Period: to
After completing my Senior Project, I must have my Google Site updated and completed with all project requirements, along with a 21st Century Self-Reflection based off of what skills I met and my overview/opinions of my performance in this project. -
Period: to
Now that I'm finished with my Project, it's time to present my work to my teacher (Mr. Hekeler) , get a grade, and graduate !!!