semester exam Connor Edel

  • 1492

    columbian exchange

    columbian exchange
    The Columbian exchange is a trade exchange between America and Europe. The two continents traded animals, food, gold, and even diseases. They also traded slaves in this exchange. This was an overseas exchange so it was across the whole world!
  • 1492

    Spanish exploration in America

    Spanish exploration in America
    There were a lot of Spanish explorers in this event like Juan Ponce de Leon, Panfilo Narvaez, Francisco Coronado, and Juan Cabrillo. All of these explorers discovered different places in North America. A few of these men were found dead and people assumed from the Indians.
  • 1517

    Protestant reformation

    Protestant reformation
    The Protestant Reformation was started by Martin Luther. This was made to shape the Roman Catholic Church. This reformation led to the Treaty of Westphalia which forced the Germans to choose Catholicism or Protestantism.
  • English Settlement- Jamestown

    English Settlement- Jamestown
    Virginia Company sent their men to explore Jamestown, find valuables, to find a shortcut to Asia, and to build a settlement. This turned out horrible there was pollution, they had enemies, no community support, and worst of all the starving times caused them to lose most of their army.
  • Englands Civil War

    Englands Civil War
    England's Civil war was between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. They were fighting because they had mixed opinions on the way Charles I was ruling the country. Charles I was beheaded in this war.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon was a Virginia settler and did not like the way Governor Berkeley was treating them. Then Bacon led a militia against him which broke out into a war. Bacons army was full of servants so this was considered slave labor.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution was when James II was removed from being the king of England. This happened because the citizens wanted more right and James II was not giving it to them. After James was removed, William and Mary ruled together
  • Salem witch trials

    Salem witch trials
    The Salem witch trials were a lot of people being accused of witchcraft and being take to court. These cases ended in horrendous deaths and people being put in prison left to die.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Rebellion is considered the largest slave uprising. This started in South Carolina and was trying to reach Florida. After this rebellion the slave owners focused more on their control over the slaves.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was a very important part of Americas history. This war was won by the British and gave them dominance in North America. One downfall for England though was that they had a ton of debt.
  • Paxton Boys

    Paxton Boys
    The Paxton Boys were not the kindest of people. They attacked an Indian village in Delaware and killed about 20 people. Then to stop the issue with the tribes the Paxton Boys decided to try and kill all the Indians. This forced Ben Franklin to stop the rebellion
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The famous phrase "No taxation without representation" comes from this event. The British were forcing the people to pay crazy taxes on tea because it was the only tea the people could buy. Finally the people of Boston were tired of it and threw all the tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • The crisis of the 1780's

    The crisis of the 1780's
    The articles of confederation failed due to not enough central government strength. The articles of confederation gave the thirteen states at the time too much power and this was the reason the articles of confederation failed after just eight short years.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise made the election more fair for the smaller states. It gave each state two senators no matter the population. It also made the electoral college more important than ever before
  • George Washington becomes president

    George Washington becomes president
    George Washington was obviously the first president and also the first unanimously elected president. This was an amazing thing that happened in America we just got our first president.
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    This great awakening started with the Protestants. This awakening was big with the slaves too; The slaves attended white churches, held their own services, and formed their own congregations
  • Creating an Economy

    Creating an Economy
    This starts after the revolutionary war because we had a lot of debt. Hamilton thought the best way to fix this debt was to the nations government to give the states taxes. This event led to a national bank, Hamilton believed this would manage the economy and provide loans.
  • The split between federalist and anti-federalist

    The split between federalist and anti-federalist
    This split happened because of the French Revolution. After the split the Anti-federalist became the Democratic- Republicans. These were our countries first political parties. The federalist had a strong central government and wanted industry. The Democratic-Republicans wanted power to the states and equality.
  • X,Y,Z affair

    X,Y,Z affair
    French wanted bribes and tried to force them out of the U.S. This happened during the negotiations to release the ships. America would not let that happen so we strengthened our Navy and got ready for war.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    Marbury vs Madison is considered one of the most important cases in the history of the Supreme Court. This case gave the Supreme Courts the power of judicial review. It let the Constitution do the talking instead of people.
  • Louisiana Territory

    Louisiana Territory
    At the time France owned Louisiana but Jefferson wanted it for America. Jefferson decided to send Robert Livingston and James Monroe to go buy Louisiana from Napoleon. Napoleon sold it for 15 million dollars. This purchased doubled the size of the country.
  • The Creation of the Cotton Gin

    The Creation of the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney changed slavery forever with his creation of the Cotton Gin. The production of cotton drastically increased after this creation. Also the production of textiles in the north increased by a lot. Finally the cotton gin made growers in new areas of the country.
  • Election of 1810

    Election of 1810
    The four main candidates were Adams and Pinckney who were federalists and then Jefferson and Burr who were Democratic-Republicans. After the election Jefferson and Burr were tied in votes because the Federalists surprisingly vote for the Democratic-Republicans. The vote went to the House of Representatives where Alexander Hamilton supported Jefferson, who in the end won the election.
  • The National Road

    The National Road
    The national road went from Maryland to Illinois and was made of crushed rock. This obviously made for better transportation and also created the national market.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    This came after the insane cotton demand. The Europeans started to not want to buy the Americans farm products anymore. This was an economic disaster for America.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Calhoun who was from South Carolina didn't like The president Andrew Jackson. So South Carolina voted to nullify the tariff of abomination that would have destroyed the souths economy. Jackson later threatened to use federal force on South Carolina.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This event started because there were 5 indian tribes in the way of expansion. Andrew Jackson forced the Indians to move to Oklahoma. This act led to the Trail of Tears which removed the last of the Cherokees.
  • The Manifest Destiny

    The Manifest Destiny
    The manifest destiny was a missions trip to spread the Protestant faith across America. This term was created by John L. O. Sullivan.
  • Cotton makes slavery important

    Cotton makes slavery important
    Cotton being the main product really forced slavery to be important. Slaves at this time were an investment for the plantation owners. Abolition grew in the north and southerners defended slavery.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    In this panic the banks failed and the value of cotton decreased. Since the value of cotton decreased that made the value of slavery decrease. Finally factory workers in the north lost their jobs.
  • The Birth of the Common School

    The Birth of the Common School
    Mount Holyoke College was the first college for women. Then there is Horace Mann who established the state board of education this led to a lot of new learnings like speaking, handwork, and patriotism.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush started with James Marshall when he found gold at Sutters Fort. Then miners showed up via overland and started mining camps. These miners soon became wealthy.
  • Women's Rights Movement

    Women's Rights Movement
    This movement began with Sarah Grimke who read the Declaration of Independence and pushed for gender equality. Her movement was focused on equality in education, property rights, and right to domain divorce.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromise actually did a lot of things for America. First it let California in as a free state also New Mexico and Utah became territories. This compromise led to the fugitive slave act which retrieved runaway slaves.
  • Immigration is becoming popular

    Immigration is becoming popular
    Immigrates from Ireland, Germany, and China makes Americas population grow exponentially. The immigration also gave America a healthy birth rate which is important for the future.
  • Nebraska Act 1854

    Nebraska Act 1854
    The Nebraska Act led to popular sovereignty and got rid of the Missouri Compromise. This act most importantly started a new political party called Republican which replaced the whigs.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The candidates of this election were Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, and John Breckinridge. Lincoln ended up winning the Electoral College vote which led to South Carolina seceding from the union because Lincoln was anti-slavery. This election led to the Confederate States of America which was in the deep south.
  • The Anaconda Plan

    The Anaconda Plan
    The Anaconda plan was created by General Winfield Scott from the north. The plan was to squeeze the south into submission and it would start at the 1st Battle of Bull Run.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietam is known as the most bloodiest day of the Civil War. In this war Lee (confederate) retreated and Mccellan (union) did not pursue. Lincoln did not like this so he removed Mccellan from the general position.
  • Massachusetts of 54th

    Massachusetts of 54th
    The Massachusetts of 54th is when the blacks joined the union. It worked so well because the slaves cared a lot and wanted to win. Many people believed they were not going to be allowed to fight.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    The Freedman's Bureau was actually established by Lincoln to help the former slaves get their life started. This bureau provided the slaves with medical assistance, education, shelter, provisions, and clothing.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The transcontinental railroad was the first coast to coast railroad connection. This railroad led to cheaper travel, clocks and time being connected, and international trade increasing.
  • KKK

    The KKK was an extremely awful and racist group. They wanted to cripple and terrorize freedom. They aimed for black americans, teachers, and white republicans. The KKK led to the Enforcement Acts, these were supposed to control the violence.
  • Presidential Reconstruction

    Presidential Reconstruction
    This was a hard switch for a lot of Americans. They had Lincoln who cared for equality of every race and wanted everybody to have the best life they could to Andrew jackson who does not care about anybody except whites. Andrew Jackson even developed codes so former slaves could not become successful.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    This panic started with bankruptcy to Jay Cooke. The panic led to a lot of progress in the railroad and steamship industries.
  • The Cowboy Era

    The Cowboy Era
    The cowboys were made up of former slaves, former confederates, Indians, and Mexicans. The cowboys led to the Chuck Wagon which helped the cowboys carry supplies while on the trail.
  • The Greatest American Inventor

    The Greatest American Inventor
    Thomas Edison invented so many things for this country. He has invented the stock printer, phonograph, and of course the electric light bulb.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    The Dawes act transformed indian reservations to individual plots and gave land to families. This land could be sold in 25 years.