Semester 1 Final Project

  • Belief in superiority

    Belief in superiority
    Manifest destiny- John O’Sullivan, editor of the New York newspaper ‘The Morning Post’, first used this phrase to express the long held belief that white Americans had a God-given right to occupy the entire North American continent. This was such an important date since it kickstarted the whole West Movement which resulted in cultural, economical and social chaos as many Native Americans were forced out of their land, treated poorly or simply murdered.
  • The beginning of an end-manifest destiny continuation

    The beginning of an end-manifest destiny continuation
    As proof the ( website talks about how Manifest Destiny took place from 1812-1867, but experienced the most violence and was most active from year 1846 onwards- aka the year when the term Manifest Destiny was first publicly mentioned. This helps provide evidence that the day the term was mass spread, was the day real chaos kickstarted which killed over 90 million people- making the year 1845 important, but for all the wrong and brutal reasons.
  • Slavery- abolished.

    Slavery- abolished.
    One of the most memorable and important dates and events in the history of USA- the ratification of the 13th amendment. This amendment embodies the fact that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. This was truly important as millions of African Americans were finally freed from cruelty and could now live a fair life.
  • freedom- continuation

    freedom- continuation
    The website ( talks about how brutal slaves were treated- they were whipped, their families torn apart and sold to different owners etc. The ratification of 13th amendment allowed slaves to escape these horrors- they weren't seen as property anymore, they were human.
  • The Native American Disaster

    The Native American Disaster
    Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876 which leads to the year 1980, when the Supreme Court ruled that the Black Hills were illegally confiscated, and awards the Sioux more than $100 million in reparations-Sioux reject the payment, saying the land had never been for sale.This was such an important event as cultural and social aspects were violated.The Sioux lost everything and were treated horribly, not mentioning the great losses suffered in the battles that occurred due to Americans greed.
  • the inhumane massacre continuation

    the inhumane massacre continuation
    The magnitude of the inhumanity is clearly depicted in numbers: according to the ( website, over 260 native Americans were slaughtered in the Little Bighorn battle, and according to
  • the inhumane massacre pt.2

    the inhumane massacre pt.2
    ( website, almost 100 million of Native Americans died during the whole West Movement. The shocking number of fatalities talks for itself- Native Americans were treated horribly.
  • You have the right to a vote.

    You have the right to a vote.
    15th amendment! The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.This had a significant long term effect since every US citizen could now have a say in the choice of a new president.Thus, new presidents affect the way the country is run and its outcome in the long term run(aka effecting the country economically, culturally and in all other aspects).
  • expansion on the topic N.1

    expansion on the topic N.1
    With the ratification of 15th amendment the African Americans now had more power-they had the right to elect someone who will fit their interests and not the interest of the white men. Barak Obama's election proved this best. The source -( clearly states that the 2008 'election was the most racially and ethnically diverse in U.S. history, with nearly one-in-four votes cast by non-whites'
  • N.2

    this clearly highlights how the African American voters have power over the outcome as nearly a half of the votes were submitted by people of color and resulted in the election of the first ever African American president in the USA.
  • The perfected light bulb- work longer, feel safer.

    The perfected light bulb- work longer, feel safer.
    Edison received the historic patent embodying the principles of his incandescent lamp that paved the way for the universal domestic use of electric light.In addition the bulb that Edison created could provide light for longer periods of time, allowing people to feel safety when walking down the street at night and allowing longer hours of work, thus generating more money. More on this invention: (
  • benefits of lamp (expansion on topic)

    benefits of lamp (expansion on topic)
    The scale of just how much the lamp effected the U.S economically can be easily seen in the diagram supplied in the ( website which talks about how the economic growth has changed over the years. Its evident that the peak in economic growth was between the years 1964-74 - when the lamps were more available and found in nearly every workplace. This clearly proves that the lightbulbs helped increase the economy.
  • Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?

    Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?
    Marconi received many honors, including the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909.Dec 1, for the invention of a radio. Radios were probably the most important invention produced during the Industrial Revolution. Why? Because it served as a mean of mass information spread. News could now be easily accessible, soldiers updated on their next actions quicker etc. More information can be found in my powerpoint -(
  • radio- continuation.

    radio- continuation.
    Just how much the radio affected US even simply economically can be seen in( which states "broadcast TV and radio advertising generated over $988 billion in GDP and supports 1.36 million jobs"-clearly depicting how much the radio helped the economy.