
  • 5.3a: Gender

    I was born boy and I'm happy with it.
  • 6.1b: My Birth Order

    My oldest brother is deaf and 31 years old. He has wife and 2 kids. My oldest sister is 30 years old and has husband. My 2nd sister is 29 years old and currently attending an university in New York for pharmacy. My 2nd brother is 26 years old and still lives with parents and graduated from University of California in Berkeley with BS in bio-engineering. I'm 22 years old and the youngest in my family.
  • 5.1a: Child Attachment

    When I was baby, I was securely attached children.I usually explored the room with my mom and when she left for errands and I played with other kids. When my mom came back, I ran to my mom happily because I was happy to see her and want her to stay and watch me playing with kids.
  • 4.1: My First Memory

    The first memory I have as a child was I remember I woke up early to get ready for preschool and my mom came with me outside waiting for school bus to arrive. My mom and I was playing with pill bugs using branch and roll them over.
  • 4.2: Intelligence

    I think I excel at Logical Mathematical because when I was little I was very competitive and assertive with my math skills. It runs in my family I believe because everyone in my family is good at math.
  • 4.3: Language

    I learned SEE (Signing Exact English) but I believe it's not a language so I will say ASL is my native language. I learned ASL from my oldest brother and his friends when I was little. I understand them a lot better than my interpreters because to me I learned better through visual.
  • 6.3a: Impacted by Death

    My grandma from my father's side was passed away 6 years ago. It was very heartbreaking and my siblings and I had to console our dad. I did not experience any kind of griefs.
  • 3.1: My Health

    I had hard time sleeping a year ago. I couldn't sleep at night time for some reason and it was tough but I was able to cope with it. I was 21 or 22 years old that time and it didn't really bother me because I'm a night owl. Then when I came to Gallaudet University and my sleep schedule is better now than before and I got a good sleep.
  • 1.1 The Present

    I am from North California. I went to mainstream school until I graduated from high school. I also went to community college and transferred to Gallaudet University last semester. One thing that has a huge impact on my life is to be away from home and my mom. I've always been with my mom for long time and I miss her a lot. I major in Mathematics and want to become a math teacher for deaf school. I love video games, anime, and foods.
  • 2.1 The Fertility

    One day my wife got pregnant and we are thrilled about that. Then we heard that my wife suffered a miscarriage and we were heartbroken. We tried to have one many times but it never works. We talked to many different doctors and tried different methods but none of them worked. Our only option is adoption because we want to have a family and enjoy our time as parenthood.
  • 3.2: Older Adult Health

    My grandmother was very illness and her health just went down. That time my family and I was in Pakistan and my whole family is in Pakistan. We got a call from our family in Pakistan that our grandmother died from illness. I only met my grandmother 3 times in my lifetime. It was heartbreaking and my family tried to console my dad. This has impacted me a lot and I want to take care of my mom and make sure she exercises enough and gets treatment.
  • 5.2: Identity

    I've never experienced a crisis and I have identity foreclosure. I never think about changing identity. I just like who I am like I have made a commitment to myself.
  • 5.3b: Sexuality

    My sexual orientation is heterosexual. I like women only.
  • 6.1a: My Family

    My dad and mom are still together and married for 37 years. I have 4 siblings: 2 brothers and 2 sisters.
  • 6.2: Learning Disability

    I never had learning disability. If in the future, my kid happens to have one then I will make sure my kid gets all the help he needs and I will support and encourage my kid to do well.
  • 5.1b: Adult Attachment

    I don't have a girlfriend but I would say I will have secure attachment style relationship with someone in the future. I would let my girlfriend do whatever she loves to do. I respect girls a lot and that's who I am. I will support my lover forever when I get one.
  • 6.3b: My Death

    I would like to be buried. I want my family to stay healthy and keep doing our religious traditions when I die in the future.