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Self Timeline

  • I'm Born

    I'm Born
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    This picture is actually me right before my first day of school!
  • Meet my Best Friends

    Meet my Best Friends
    I met my 3 best friends in kindergarten, and they are still a huge part of my life today!
  • I start to play hockey

    I start to play hockey
    I started playing hockey when I was about 6 or 7, and have been a competitive athlete ever since.
  • I start playing lacrosse

    I start playing lacrosse
    I started playing lacrosse around 3rd or 4th grade, and I still play lacrosse today!
  • Gable joins the family

    Gable joins the family
    My brother brought home our family dog Gable for Christmas!
  • I start High School

    I start High School
  • First Job

    First Job
    My first job was working at an entertainment farm leading hay rides, cooking and serving food through a window, as well as normal jobs on a farm like baling hay.
  • I get my license

    I get my license
  • My brother gets married

    My brother gets married
    My brother married my now sister-in-law during my senior year of high school, and I got to be a bridesmaid in their wedding :)
  • I go to Europe

    I go to Europe
    I went to Europe on a school trip, in January 2020 right before COVID-19. As of right now, this trip is one of my favorite life experiences.
  • Committed to Central

    Committed to Central
    Went on one last tour of CMU and made my decision to go to college here!
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    I graduated high school in July with a drive-through ceremony in my high school's parking lot.
  • Moved to Mount Pleasant for Freshman year

    Moved to Mount Pleasant for Freshman year
  • Met my current roomate

    Met my current roomate
    I met my current roommates at the end of my sophomore year, and we have been living together for the past two years. I've had most of my best college memories with them <3
  • Started my last semester at CMU

    Started my last semester at CMU
    Even though I have another year for student teaching this is my last semester on campus at CMU.