Self Defense Timeline

  • President Washington led a rebellion after violent protesters broke out over his "Whiskey Tax."

    After rebels marched in protest through the streets of Pittsburgh, Washington immediately acted upon the event and send militia into the scene. Hamilton went to the point of considering executing rebellion leaders, however Washington disagreed. The rebellion helped to test the new government and showed them the new government would work well in times of crisis.
  • President Washington recognized America's limits and kept the nation from getting involved when war broke out in Europe.

    Washington realized early how allowing France to use their ports to supply its ships and attack Britain could expose America. He also realized American merchants and farmers were dependent on American ports, so Washington came up with the Neutrality Proclamation, which stated that the U.S. would not be siding with any country in the war.
  • When the French Revolution began to affect America, Congress created the Navy Department and the Marine Corps

    Adams was allowed to give the navy an expansion of more than 30 ships due to his fear of France possibly starting war with America. Also, he decided the U.S. should keep a peacetime army. Both were later approved by congress.
  • President Jefferson sent the Navy to the coast of North Africa to fight pirates and make shipping safe for U.S. vessels

    After receiving threats and attacks from pirates from Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, Jefferson realized he did not want to go to war. So, he decided to send a small fleet of warships to the Mediterranean to protect American shipping.
  • After having some success against Barbary pirates, President Jefferson decided the navy should be increased.

    President Jefferson chose to add smaller vessels to the navy fleet, even though he typically did not like the idea of a larger navy. Commode Samuel Barron commanded 11 vessels before expanding to twice the size of frigates, brigs, and smaller vessels to suit the mission.