Selena is confident with her accomplishments

  • Selena is confident with her accomplishments - Erikson's fifth stage

    Selena is confident with her accomplishments - Erikson's fifth stage
    Selena feels proud of her accomplishments in school and personal life. She sees that by learning more is going to help her make a successful future for herself.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, industry versus inferiority, the crisis is a child who has a harder time learning and succeeding in school can develop confusion in their identity.
  • Selena has decided to give back- Erikson's seventh stage

    Selena has decided to give back- Erikson's seventh stage
    Selena has hit her middle adulthood and has decided to give back to her community and those coming up in the next generation. She sees how helping protect the rights of the next generation and the earth she's giving them a better future.
    In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation, the crisis is if a middle adult is more focused and worried about their well-being and their life than they are of others they end up in a place of not going anywhere with their life - no growth.
  • Selena is happy how she lived her life - Erikson's eighth stage

    Selena is happy how she lived her life - Erikson's eighth stage
    Selena is at the end of her life - 75 years old. She looks back at her life and sees all her accomplishments. She had a family and she gave back to her community and the next generation. She also taught her children to learn all they can learn, and to always think of others.
    In Erikson's eight stage, ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is being happy with the life you lived (the good with the bad) and the regret one feels for things they should have done but didn't.