Selena and Nayeli

  • Headright System

    The oldest guy was the one that was the head of the house hold, and they got their land. The headright system affceted Georgia because it took land from the native americans and gave them to the white mens.
  • University of Georgia

    The first public university in Georgia.It affected Georgia by bringin in money in gergians got educated.
  • Louisville

    Louisville was built on swampy land.There was many mosquitoes and it was not successful.Malaria was spreading so many people died.This affected Georgia because Louisville was an epic fail and it was built with money tax.
  • Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin was a invention creadted by Eli Whitney.This incrreated cotton production and slavery in Georgia.With this invention it was fast to take the seeds away from the cotton.
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    The Yazoo land fraud was a event that changed Georgia forever. Soome memebers of Georgia's General assembly were bribed by land companies to sell the land and Georgia got in big trouble for doing this. This affected Georgia because it lost claims past the Chattachoochee river.
  • land lottery

    The and lottery was kind of like a money lottery but with land.All you had to do was give money and hope you get picked. This effected Georgia because it took land away fom the native Americans and gave it to Georgias white men.
  • railroads

    Railroads brought buisneesses,people,and goods into and out of Georgia.The rail roads help ship the cotton to other placeses.
  • Baptist/Methodist

    Baptist and Methodist are two very large church denomminstion in Georgia.they had tent revivals.this affected Georgia because it spreaded religion .