Segragation and civil rights

Segregation and Civil Rights

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    Benjamin Mays was most well known for being the president for morehouse college. He was also an outspoken civil rights leader and was one of Martain Luther King's Mentors.
  • Herman Talmadge and the 3 Governors Controversy

    Herman Talmadge and the 3 Governors Controversy
    The three Governors Controversary was an event in which involved elected govenor Eugene Talmadge, his son Herman Talmadge, the current governor Ellis Arnall, and the Lt. Governor Melvin Thompson. Eugene was elected by the state of Georgia to become Governor, but before he was sworn into office he died leaving Georgia in a mess. Melvin Thompson and Herman Talmadge mboth believed they should've been governor. On Januray 15, 1947 the issue was resolved and Herman Talmadge was elected as governor.
  • Brown vs The Board of Education

    Brown vs The Board of Education
    Brown vs The board of Education was a trial in which the Supreme court ruled the segregation of schools unconstitutional. All nine supreme court justices agreed that racial segregation in public schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    In 1956 the Atlanta attorney and John Sammons Bell wanted to change the Georgia state flag to display the confederte flag in the state flag to show they still supported legal segregation. This caused disputes between blacks and whites.
  • Sibley Comitee

    Sibley Comitee
    The sibley comitee was a comitee made to help get to know the publics feeling on the issue of desgregation. It was made so the decisoion of either closing down all schools or desegregating was in the publics hand.
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    The SNCC was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comitee. This comitee was one of the key comitees in the civil rights movement. Their protests were all nonviolent and all run by students.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young joined the SCLC in 1961. He became one of the most import members of the SCLC. He tought young and uneducated people how to protest nonviolently. He eventaully became one of Martain Luther King's most trusted ade. He was with MLK when he was assinated on Aprili 4, 1968.
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA
    They are both best known for desegregating the university of Georgia. Hamilton Holmes and Charalyne Hunter were the first black students to attend the university of Georgia. They both recieved large amounts of criticism because most people in Georgia did not want to integrate the schools.
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    Albany Movement

    The Albany Movement was the first mass movement to try to desegregate an entire community. Over 1,000 protestors were arrested during this movement including Martain Luther King. After the protest MLK said that he did not meet his goals for this protest, but even though he failed to accomplish his goals he learned many valuble lessons during the movement.
  • Martin Luther King and The March on Washington

    Martin Luther King and The March on Washington
    The March non Washington was a peacful protest lead by Martain Luther King to help with civil rights, freedom and jobs. This was the largest civil rights gathering with over 250,000 participants. This is where Martain Luther King deleivered his famous "I have a dream speech."
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    On July 2, 1964 the civil rights act bill was signed into law making it illegal to discrimanate based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Although this act was signed it did not end the struggle.
  • Lestor Maddox

    Lestor Maddox
    Lestor Maddox was elected governor in 1967 and became very popular amoung african americans. He appointed more african americans than any other governor before him including the first black officer in the Georgia State Patrol and the first black official to the state Board of Corrections.
  • Maynard Jackson as Mayor of Atlanta

    Maynard Jackson as Mayor of Atlanta
    Maynard Jsckson was the first African American Mayor of a major southern city. He served for eight years and then served another term in 1990.