Section 3

  • Period: to


    The number of students enrolled in institutions of higher education increased from 2 million to 8 million
  • 1960

    The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was founded at the University of Michigan
  • 1964

    SDS had organized campus "teach-ins" and demonstrations against the war and encouraged draft-age males to sign "We Won't Go" Petitions
  • 1964

    Student activism led to a clash with administrators and police
  • 1967

    Antiwar advocates sponsored a Stop-the-Draft week
  • 1967

    President Johnson brought General Westmoreland home from Vietnam to address the nation's concerns about the war
  • 1968

    U.S. officials anticipated a communist offensive
  • 1968

    Two months after the Tet Offensive, the president addressed the nation on television
  • 1968

    Martin Luther King, Jr., was shot and killed by a racist assassin in Memphis, Tennessee
  • 1969

    The Selective Service System adopted a lottery that was designed to eliminate deferment abuses and create a more diverse army of draftees.